Monday, April 21, 2008

New and improved!

Posted by Aidan Chopra, Product Evangelist

I'm happy to announce that we've combined our two old websites into one; is now your single source for information about all of our products, plugins, training and other resources. We've overhauled everything -- the new site includes: Please take a look around our new online digs, and use the "comments" link below this post to let us know what you think.


  1. Long time SketchUp user here. I'm sad to say that this is yet another example of Google's diluting of SketchUp's identity. This site is just as generic as all other Google sites. I'm guessing that was the point though. It's architectural equivalent would be sheetrock walls, VCT tile floor, acoustical ceiling tile, and split-face CMU block. While there may be more information, I doubt people will be more inclined to look for it. Every link and section on the site is treated exactly the same. There is no hierarchy. Most of all, the site doesn't visually explain how amazing SketchUp is to a newcomer.

  2. No feed on this new site/\
    Did I miss it?

  3. The link to the SketchUP viewer under the downloads section does not work. Overall I am disappointed with the look of the new site. BORING! A definite step down from

  4. I miss version numbers and changelogs.

  5. Resources page has a wrong link to ( instead of

  6. disappointing.

    it looks like an accountant designed it instead of a designer.

    google should not forget that sketchup is a designers tool.

    there is no character to it.

  7. Im agreeing with the comments above
    the new web site has dulled down the excitement, graphical warmth & pleasing style when anyone wishes to visit, discover and learn more on this majical toolset.
    The previous welcoming pages that sketchup displayed made the whole experience of clicking through the graphics and designer orientated interface much more interesting. I admire the new testimony for google sketchup and @ long last, so its time now to sketchup up some really graphically stunning Sketchup pages for the site rather than standard lines and crops stuff.
    From a man who eats, sleeps, drinks, and lives GSU - Please can these holding pages be updated.

  8. Just noticed that an image here

    is mis-attributed. That is my design for Brooklyn Atlantic Yards, and a picture of my CNC-milled model, not Steven Glickman's.

    --Lewis Wadsworth

  9. Please tell me that that is just a place holder and that the real site is on its way. Absolutely awful :(

  10. First the forums and now the front page, change hurts and this time I mean literally.

  11. Hey, what about the long awaited Sketch Up Linux version?

    We Linux users are totally left behind, managing through virtual machines etc in order to get a taste of Sketch Up!!


    Marcelo Gonçalves
    Salvador - Brasil

  12. terrible website

  13. The sketchUp product owner is really missing the boat by not being a part of the Ubuntu Studio revolution. If your goal is user adoption, now is the time to get with the program. Your userbase is technical enough and Ubuntu is easy enough for the perfect storm to take root. Google Earth is here with us in the Linux world. Come on in the water is fine!

  14. I am angry about Google destroying sketchups website. Its very bad marketing. Some numb nut decided to apply their corporate chaos,not realsing we do not use Google, we use Sketchup. They removed the unique Sketchup identity and replaced it with their awfully bland, untidy and very cheap Google look. I no longer feel like a member of the club. Wake up Google, your starting to make big company mistakes. Like to bet the people in Boulder are really happy about this big step backwards.

  15. Just another Linux user hoping to some day be able to use Sketchup without a virtual machine.

    Please, Google people... port this wonderful app to Linux.

  16. Another Linux user wishing Google would get on the stick and port Sketchup to Linux. This is a great product, and it makes no sense for it to not be fully cross platform. PLEASE GIVE US A NATIVE LINUX PORT...

  17. Add me to the list of Linux users waiting got a native Linux port.

  18. I also am awaiting a native Linux version of Sketchup.

  19. Sketchup seems to run on Linux with Nvidia for me with the latest version of Wine - although there are still a few small hoops you have to jump through to get it running. See
    for more info.

    If you have problems running Sketchup with Wine, please report them to the wine project via that page. They can't fix bugs they don't know about!

  20. It's been a year and a half that most have been asking for SketchUp to include a LINUX PORT. Google started with Sun servers. Their current servers run off customized versions of Linux written in C++, Java, and Python; so WTF? I thought they were going for world domination?



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