Thursday, June 19, 2008

After 3D Basecamp 2008

Posted by Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist

It's been five days since 3D Basecamp ended on Friday the 13th (inauspicious as that may have been), and most of us SketchUppers are still catching up on our rest. The event was better than any of us could have dreamed it would be. It was awesome.

If you're wondering what went down, take a look at the Event Program on the 3D Basecamp website. Basically, Basecamp started on Wednesday the 11th with SketchUp Basic Training for beginners in the morning, followed by lunch at Charlie's Cafe and sessions all afternoon. In the evening, we witnessed an inspiring presentation by Cameron Sinclair of Architecture For Humanity, then enjoyed a BBQ dinner, live music and plenty of libations until about ten o'clock. Not bad for the first day.

Thursday debuted with breakfast (food is never very far away at the Googleplex), then followed more sessions, lunch, and yet more sessions until early evening. Folks were left to their own devices for dinner; we figured most would go back to their hotel rooms and pass out.

After breakfast on Friday, some people attended sessions, some hung out in the SketchUp Lab, and the rest took part in a design challenge we concocted with the folks from AFH (you can participate too!) After lunch, everyone convened in a single room to see the challenge participants' presentations and the subsequent handing-out of awards to the winners. By two-thirty, everyone was gone.

If you're interested in seeing pictures and reading stories from folks who attended the event, you've got a few options:

Search for "3d basecamp" on Picasa Web Albums
Search for "3d basecamp" on FlickR
Search for "3d basecamp" on Google Blog Search

Incidentally, we recorded almost all of the goings-on at the event, so stayed tuned for information about where you can go to access videos, session handouts and other information from Basecamp. We're not sure when it will be ready, but we'll be sure to announce its availability on this blog and in the SketchUpdate newsletter.

To everyone who took part: Thanks for helping to make this event one of my happiest memories (so far) of being part of the SketchUp team.


  1. sounds great
    i really wish I'd been invited!

    anyone from France attended the event??

    any advanced tickets for next year?

  2. How can I buy one of the 3D Base Camp t-shirts??

  3. I was lucky enough to be invited to the Basecamp and it was well worth the trip. The SketchUp staff, attendees, google, the information, and the food were all amazing. I learned lots of new tips and tricks, met some fantastic people, made new friends and have great memories. It's not something that should ever be passed up if you are ever fortunate enough to be invited. Thank you Aiden. You and your team are amazing.

  4. Yeah, Aidan, it was a great event. I didn't take a camera to take photos (stupid me, I know) so any further pictures / videos are welcome!

  5. I was pretty bummed when I got my rejection notice that I wasn't a "chosen one" for the base camp. Thanks for giving everyone the opportunity to see the sessions on UTube. I'll having my own summer camp in my little office I guess.

    M. G. in P.A.

  6. Was video of the Keynote Cameron Sinclair taken? If so could you guys put it up?

  7. I want to rematch Simone in Ping Pong~! This is Eduardo lol

  8. Hello --

    I spoke to one of the videographers at Basecamp -- he was running a live camera into a deck as well as a feed from the speakers laptop. I was wondering if anyone had a contact for him? Someone I work with is looking for something similar for their upcoming presentation.



  9. Last year you guys shared the videos from the 3d base camp. What about this year?

    There will be no more sharing

  10. Last year you guys shared the videos from the 3d base camp. What about this year?

    There will be no more sharing


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