Monday, October 27, 2008

Massively cool models

If you've never heard of Massive Black, you're in for a treat. They create concept art for movies, advertising and game studios, and their work is super-inspiring. We found out that they use SketchUp, so we asked if we could create a profile on them for YouTube. It turned out great:

If you're interested in this kind of stuff, also check out, the online art community "wing" of the folks who started Massive Black.


  1. Amazing. I had an idea that artists and game developers were using SketchUp, I just didn't know which ones until now. Awesome video!

  2. You give people the tools to make anything their imagination is capable of and what do they make? A tank! That sucks, doesn't the world have enough tanks already?

  3. It's a game tank not real life. do you have an imagineation??

    its a cool program and the clip really shows how good it is but is that to its full ablity or can it do more????

  4. Anonymous said...
    You give people the tools to make anything their imagination is capable of and what do they make? A tank! That sucks, doesn't the world have enough tanks already?

    You should probably leave fantasy and imagination alone, or to those who have a better a grasp on the difference between the two. Good luck!

  5. "You should probably leave fantasy and imagination alone, or to those who have a better a grasp on the difference between the two. Good luck!"

    leave imagination alone? is it so good to imagine murder? thought/idea is primary, manifestation is secondary. are you saying that gun culture should have a monolpoly on imagination like it does in american culture - from hollywood through to foreign policy?


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