Monday, November 17, 2008

Drum roll please: Introducing SketchUp 7

Two years in the making and the result of many, many people's hard work, Google SketchUp 7 has arrived. You are cordially invited to visit our website to download a copy for yourself. We can't wait to see what you think.

First things first: We made a video to tell you about the new stuff in 7. I recommend watching it twice: Once to learn about what's new, and once more to see what programmers do when they're told to "just stand there" in front of a video camera. Feel free to microwave yourself some popcorn before you click "play".

You can find an exhaustive list of what's new in 7 on our (aptly named) What's New in SketchUp 7 page, so I won't bother repeating everything here. Suffice it to say, there's a lot, and we couldn't be prouder.

For SketchUp 7, we decided to focus on three main areas:
  1. Making SketchUp easier for new modelers to learn
  2. Adding "power tools" for SketchUp Pro gurus who dream in faces and edges
  3. Clearing the way for even more model sharing and collaboration
To that end, we've done everything from making small changes that make everyone's life easier (like making it so that edges automatically split other edges where they cross), to launching LayOut 2 (a whole separate program that lets Pro users create detailed multi-page documents and presentations).

Enough blathering from me – the best way to learn about 7 is to download and try it out for yourself. But before you go, three things:
  • Installing SketchUp 7 on your computer won't affect SketchUp 6; you'll have access to both versions for as long as you like.
  • If you have a license for SketchUp Pro 6 and you'd like to upgrade to Pro 7, have a look at our store to find out how.
  • Keep an eye on this blog for plenty of in-depth follow-up posts about the features and improvements in SketchUp 7. We'll be adding new stuff every day this week.
Have fun!

(on behalf of the SketchUp, LayOut and 3D Warehouse teams)


  1. the complete list of what's new that is referenced on the Sketchup website points to a blank page.....

  2. Thanks for your comment and letting us know about the blank page. This page is part of our new Help Center for SketchUp 7, which will be live by 12pm MT today. Please check back later today and thanks for your patience.

  3. Did anyone try to run this with Wine yet?

  4. wow, nice!

    i like the procedural stuff and
    all but i am alittle disappointed
    that i did not see anything new
    about the connection between skp
    and GE...

    being german the link to skp7
    leads me to the german site...
    there is only skp6 available!


  5. Sounds really interesting! Hats off to the team! BTW, when I try to play the video, it say's it's no longer available...

  6. Awesome ! ... it may also be interesting to note that the Cobalt virtual world platform now support Google Sketchup & Google 3D warehouse (KMZ & Collada .zip format) models as well !

    Sites of interest are: (The main project website)
    & (a K-12 initiative leveraging the Cobalt work)


  7. This is very odd. I attempted to upgrade to Pro 7 this morning and when I gave Google my serial number I received this reply (serial number has already been upgraded). No it hasn't. That is what I am trying to do. My office has two licenses. I tried the very same upgrade on another computer with a different serial number with no problem. One of us now has SU 7 but I am the odd man out.

    Has this happened to anyone else? I submitted a report to Google but no reply.

  8. not a linux version? :( so sad...


  9. Ive been using sketchup now for base level professional design with building layouts. Now with layouts improvements it is an awesome design and presentation tool. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!

    Sidenote: Ive also been using it for modeling opensource projects. This now works so well for that its retarded. THANK YOU!

  10. And still no word of a native Linux version to complement GoogleEarth. Sigh.

  11. As a pro user, i don't think this release can honestly be marked as 7... 6.X is more appropriate. but the biggest issue i feel is the way it was released.

    I urge google to go over some of the main forums on-line that focuses on sketchup such us and and get the vibe of the pro users.

    i'll just add some pointers here also.

    some ruby scriptwriters managed to create some really inventive tools that made 6 more like 7 then this release added to it.

    7 came along with many 6 issues not tuned or fixed such as shadow bug, high poly model support, better screen graphics / open gl, better ui, more selection and modeling tools

    one more thing... the childlike, funny spirit way of presenting things like the tech people video might be great for the free users. for me as a pro user making a living with this software - it just not professional enough.

  12. ooohhh! C'mon! What's wrong withyou guys??

    make a linux version, please!

  13. No linux suport?!
    Google, you've failed.

  14. Did they do the video and sound work in a garage?

  15. What about better OpenGL support? Multi processor support? Large model support? This really seems more like a point upgrade. :( We're using some fairly large SketchUp files and my users are having alot of performance problems with the program on Mac and PC. We have expensive multicore systems but the program isn't taking advantage of them...

  16. This is a seriously weak number release for those of us that use Sketchup professionally. I guess I'll wait for version 8 and compensate for the lack of new features with community Ruby scripts.

  17. Some new features sound really helpful. Now if I could just find some new tutorials for the new features... I didn't see anything in the Help Center right off.

    Thanks for keeping the Mac version updated!


  18. Nvida 8600 GT and Wine 1.1.8 will not communicate Open GL language and sketchup 7 crashes out for me. ..But it did install! :P

  19. hi All I Just watched the you tube movie and I was thinking that the team of guys looked the way it used to be in the old days -only guys!! any "girls" there at Google? would be nice to see some of them as well?? on another note does sketchup work on a MAC?

  20. hi All I Just watched the you tube movie and I was thinking that the team of guys looked the way it used to be in the old days -only guys!! any "girls" there at Google? would be nice to see some of them as well?? on another note does sketchup work on a MAC?

  21. I'll put my stuff back on 3D warehouse when there's a linux version.

    I look forward to being allowed to be part of the sketchup community.

  22. Linux version! please please please :)

  23. In a hand the new snapping features are really cool and useful, custom styles are really nice and new components are a good choise.

    But in the other hand the core is disappinting, we NEED a multiprocessor support, a serius shadows fix and a better graphic video cards support.

    And, please, a serius linux support. (No chanse to make it work in wine, perhaps with some regedit tweak...)

    We waited for so long (and we will 'till next version), it's just disappointing.

  24. impressive software! i hope there will be a linux version soon.

  25. This is good improvement, but Linux version even by good Wine support is on my wish list.

  26. Linux version?

    "Don't be evil"! :-)

  27. I remember using SketchUp not so long ago... when I had a windows system. I don't have one any more and would really like to have a linux version. Please?


  28. from a pro user

    not only do i not see the need for a pro version,
    i dont even see the need for an upgrade, sorry.


    - better render engine
    - much faster [big moddels get realy slow]
    - better import/export
    - better materials [transparants, reflections]
    - better/smarter drawing controls

  29. Two years ago i understood that this relativity new program made by a group of cool guys could have some problems, such as the ones already mentioned above. But now, after 2 years of google support this is all you've done??

    you're kidding right?

    I have a macpro 8core with 4gb of ram and if i pick a 30mb file and do a terrain operation sketchup is really going to freeze. How can it be that in blender(free)/max/cinema4D/maya i'll do it in a few seconds?
    Please look other 3D software packages: all of them work without any problem with huge models, have pretty stackable intelligent modifiers that permit a more intelligent/interactive design, shader support, serious texture mapping, and model optimization features..
    And layout? come on guys! How can it be that i don't some kind of symbol/block/component that references text and drawing instances into one field? Or fields with external references? Or some kind of excel support? like autocad does?
    It's really lame that i have to change "all" text references of a screw (for example) in "ALL" pages, each time we decide to revision a design..
    I really love working with Sketchup but in our architecture firm we're giving it increasing less importance in our workflow.

    Google: please pay more attention to sketchup.

  30. Of course: One more request for Linux-support.

    What is the reason for supporting only monopolies or proprietary software - while Google itself is addicted on an open world?

    F. Mayer

  31. I'm continuosly redirected to SU 6 download page, no matter from where I try to access it…

    Any known cache/cookie issue? OS X.5, Safari 3.2

  32. I just saw the "lab coat" video demonstrating the new program. Great idea to showcase the product, but if you decide to make another, the talent really needs to have individual microphones or else a very good directional boom. Sound was hard to follow.

  33. I always liked how I could run SketchUp, even on my old Pentium 3. I was excited that there was a new release, but the benefit goes to the pro users it seems, who complain about it not using their beefy machines. Maybe us groups can't both be pleased at the same time. Hobbiest users are curious about Lively integration, BTW. I'll download it to see if the frustrating Rotation Tool has been improved.

  34. i totally agree with you when you say that you like to work with your pentium 3 :)
    Curiously, also 2 years ago i gave my girlfriend a training course in a trusty pentium 2. She made the Corbusier's Villa Savoye - a quite detailed project - without any problem!
    My point is that we shouldn't need big machines to process 30mb sketchup files. A pentium 3 with 3DStudioMax4 and 256ram will work much faster with the same geometry.

  35. This saddens me. No multi-core support, no high-polygon support, no shadow fix. Only stupid crap I'm not even gonna use. What the hell did you guys do over the past 2 years. Ruby scripters could have done these improvements over night.

  36. ....This is not going the right way I'm afraid.....

    please wake up guys....Dynamic component are nice, but what we need is SPEED (multicore support etc), line offset (allready a ruby script) curved face offsets (allready a ruby script) boolean operations, good bevel and chamfer tools (allready a ruby script)....come on!!! Read the forums for it! Dynamic goodness....

  37. You're going to make Pro users PAY to upgrade to this paltry release that doesn't even address any of the major limitations of the program (openGL problems and lack of multi-processor support large among them)?! Please tell me you're kidding. The only things here worth taking seriously are the parametric attributes associated with components and the release of a "real" version of Layout. Neither of those, even taken together, justifies this as a anything more than a 6.x release which Pro users should be upgraded to as a matter of course.

    I thought Google was supposed to not be evil? What's going on here?

  38. This is a complete joke of a release. 2 years and this is what we get for being a pro user? And you want us to pay for this? I had held off on purchasing one of the more powerful software apps hoping that 7 would begin to close the gap between power and ease of use but clearly, i was mistaken. This is just bad business, my friends.

  39. One big dissapointment. Who needs that LayOut and Style Builder when for normal work is some sort of layer grouping needed, more than one active section cut and so on. SU just can't replace AutoCAD drawing or ArchiCAD or other CAD app. So why all upgrades goes to LayOut? Shame on You Google!

  40. I think too many people are jumping the gun on their comments. I've used version 7 nonstop since the release and couldn't be happier with it. Dynamic components are awesome (way better and more powerful than anything I've seen from Revit or Desktop)! The new layout app appears to be a complete overhaul and performs much better. I think this release was well worth the wait and frankly think that some of you just need to learn how to be better modelers. There's no reason for a sketchup model to be 30m! Some of the coolest most complex models I've seen in my short couple years with the application have been on the warehouse and under 10m. Likewise, some of the weakest models are highest in file size. Brush up folks.

  41. PLEASE port this to LINUX!


  42. I have to say im disapointed too...2 years after and there's NO new modeling tools, NO new animation tools, NO new mapping tools, NO multicore/64 bits suport, NO high poly, NO fix for the shadow problem an NO import for new 3d formats or have the ones existing working as it should...

    But hey we have dynamic components now...

    Reading this can you really say this is a good release after 2 years?

  43. disappointing!!!! im recommending we cut sketchup in our firm's work flow. i was a bit optimistic about this software but after 2 years, this is all youve got .......i dont see why we havent shifted to other solid modelling softwares.....Good luck

  44. No linux support? It even crashes under wine (no registry hacking or other mods)... A linux build would really give this software a decently larger audience.

  45. As a tech supporting some *very* aggressive SketchUp users, I'm excited to get SketchUp Pro 7 into their hands and see what they can create. Congrats and thanks from North Dakota!

  46. I use sketchup for making things for google earth. This update seemed fine, but I'm having some major issues with exporting the model and sharing it in the 3d warehouse. Anyone else having problems?

  47. Tengo que probarlo, parece una maravilla.

  48. Great release, DC's are a fantastic addition.

    As for Linux, meh.

    Not into OS's that constantly download tons of junk and have fifty million options for every single thing.

    I use computers to work, Windows has done that perfectly ok for me for years with no problems whatsoever but then I don't spend ages downloading buggy freeware apps or visiting dodgy websites.

  49. quote:
    Not into OS's that constantly download tons of junk and have fifty million options for every single thing.

    is that not how windows operates.

    btw i would like a linux or wine compatible version of sketchup as well. At home for my woodworking i use sketchup and cant currently use it because i use nothing but linux.

  50. I am still waiting for a Linux version too.

  51. Sounds like google has some work to do. I agree if your going to make a major release then update the software with features that we can actually use. I wouldnt pay for the upgrade just use v6 until they get there act together.

  52. very disappointing: no really importatn issue fixed.
    parametric modeling is nice, but a linux version should be on top of todo list for you guys, i really thought it was logical for a new major release to come in linux flavour too, or at least you should have made sure it worked on wine. i'm really really disappointed.

  53. I'm very disappointing with this release, long time to expecting not to have something new and solve the old problems,supporting new hardwares but... they put a kiddy parametric system, I've try it already it very joke compare with each others like Revit.
    Strong point of sketchUP is Speed in modeling and visualize please keep going in this, Weak point are curve surface and millions face running please note that.


  54. I was pretty disappointed that there was no Windows 2000 support or Linux support

  55. I paid $475 to @Last (original SketchUp author) several years ago. Innovative software it was, to be sure. Shortly thereafter they were bought by Google and made the product free. Layout (beta) was introduced in an effort to value-add for the Pro/paying folk, like me. Now that the product is [finally] out of beta, it's not clear to me why I (and other Pro purchasers) should have to fork out another $95.

    Despite the fact that Google has included Dynamic Components (very cool, by the way), to virtually ignore the bulk of constructive user input that has been offered in forums, blogs, etc. doesn't seem to be a wise move.

    One last point (for now): Why is it that the user interface for the various graphic primitives are so different 1) in SketchUp, and 2) in Layout. Consider, as a single example, the varied way that the arc tool(s) function. Design consistency in user interface should always be paramount


  56. I tried to install Google SketchUp 7 on Linux Ubuntu ( wine ) instillation look good but application runs and after choosing template getting crash report
    Any idea?

  57. See for how to get Sketchup 7 running on Wine. It also points to a list of all bugs. If you find a new bug, please report it there so the good folks at the Wine Project can try to fix it.

  58. Why no linux support?
    It really is disappointing.
    It only help Microsoft to when
    Google dances to their tune.

  59. When I bought Sketchup Pro (~$500) , I thought I remember something to the effect that it was sold under the promise of "free upgrades for life?" Did I just make that up, or did Sketchup/Google decide to change the policy?

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. I seem to be having difficulties getting the shadows dialog box to appear. Under Windows>Shadow, nothing happens. Anyone else finding an other glitches?

  62. A have a problem working with SketchUp on my MacBookAir. After a few minutes of work the spinning wheel appears and things are delayed.
    Is it a common problem with MacBooks?


  63. mac version has many spinning wheels; go back to 6!

  64. The main bug that was keeping sketchup 7 from running on Wine has been fixed. The fix will be available with wine-1.1.11 next week. The adventurous can build from source now to get the fix early.

    See for more info.

    Thanks to Mike Hearn for spotting the cause, and to Alex Balut for fixing it.

  65. As a great enthusiast for sketchup I recently checked Layout for the first time. It took me about 20 minutes time and your great instruction videos to learn how to use it. I never saw some complex software like sketchup and Layout that I learnd that fast and that I could use that often in my daily work.
    I can only say "Thank you guys" and send you the best wishes from the cold and freezing Germany ;-)

  66. I hadn't heard that Google is now running on a Windows server farm???

    Must have been a painful, expensive switch; that can be the only reason that a Linux version of Sketchup is still not available.

    I have used the free version on Windows, but I'm about to abandon that platform for personal use. I will consider Sketchup when it runs on Linux.

  67. I need help!!! I am trying to download ruby scripts to Sketchup 7, but it is not working. I downloaded it to my c-drive and then copied it to Sketchup>Plugins folder, but still didn't work.
    Any suggestions?

  68. like others have said, i'd love to see a linux version of this.

  69. I recently downloaded SketchUp 7, but I'm unable to open it. I get a screen that says Windows has found a problem, and will notify me when a solution is found. I un-installed it, and re-installed it with the same results. Any ideas?

  70. Where's the Linux version?? Come on guys... Linux is way better than Windows like Google used to be way better than Yahoo. Don't you guys want to keep up? I'm struggling to justify my partiality towards you anymore. Until Linux is supported this will go down as an epic failure.

  71. I have downloaded Sketchup 7 a few times in the last week and I have a problem opening it. After I download it and try to open it, the program stops working. It allows me to open a new file, but the "instructor" window is blank and I have to turn off the program. I am running Vista, but I shouldn't have problems because I installed SketchUp 6 and that worked fine. I am probably going to reinstall SketchUp 6.

  72. Please add Linux version, please. Thank you.

  73. Thank goodness it can work in linux. Ironically on my new used computer its windows that doesn't recognized a scroll pad. Try using sketchup without one of those.

  74. Incredibly poor release with little added modelling or processor support. Why isn't this program moving with the hardware available today!

  75. Anyone know if there will be Linux version at all? We would be really great!


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