Tuesday, January 27, 2009

3D printing from SketchUp with CADspan: Now even better

You might remember reading about a nifty 3D printing-from-SketchUp plugin called CADspan that we blogged about a few months ago. It would appear that the folks over at LGM (who make CADspan) have been busy since then. They've released a new version of the plugin, and here's some of what's new:
  • CADspan is now available for both Windows and Mac
  • It now supports SketchUp 7 (which we released in November)
  • File processing times are about 10x faster
  • The system is much more reliable (hooray for beta testing!)
Here's a video that explains more:

In related news, there's now a Pro version of CADspan that provides some extra benefits. Check out the Pro page on their websites for all the details.

A couple of SketchUp models that were eventually printed in 3D

Posted by Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist


  1. Hiya, just thought i'd point out you seem to be showing slightly different models to the ones printed ;-) or could it be the system self-aware & improvising :-)

  2. I saw the early version at Base Camp, the final product was great but the process was slow and the price was high. It will be great when the average punter will be able to afford it.


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