Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3D Warehouse models available in COLLADA file format

We're happy to announce that we're changing the way we serve COLLADA and Google Earth files from the Google 3D Warehouse. Currently, Google Earth files in the 3D Warehouse are simple 'wrappers' around COLLADA 3D model files, and up until now, we've simply provided the COLLADA (and consequently, the Google Earth) files that SketchUp has produced. Unfortunately, this meant that any problems that existed in SketchUp's exported files persisted and caused everyone some major headaches.

As a result, we've changed things so that soon after upload, we generate the COLLADA/Google Earth file on the server using the provided SketchUp file. What does this mean? First, you'll find more models that do load properly when you follow the "View on a 3D map" link. Next, every model in the 3D Warehouse will now be available in the COLLADA format. Finally, you'll find that the COLLADA and Google Earth files are more compatible with Google Earth, the Google Earth plugin, and other 3D applications that are COLLADA-compatible (like Photoshop). You'll have to wait until our systems can convert your SketchUp file before you'll find the Google Earth and COLLADA files available for download, but this process shouldn't take more than a few hours. Please let us know if there are questions or comments about this change.


  1. I really like this policy. COLLADA was meant as a transport format, and with this approach is works like that as well.

    Not only can I look at localized models on google Earth and Map, but I can also work on the Warehouse modes and present them in other viewers, such as a Sandy 3D world in Flash.


  2. This is great news. COLLADA is a definite must have format for 3D Warehouse. In early May '09 it looked like most models had a COLLADA version. But as of today, many are missing the COLLADA version. When do you expect all models will be converted?

  3. I'm having a hard time trying to upload my own Collada Models in the 3D warehouse, I receive the error message: "Invalid Collada file. The uploaded file must follow either the Collada 1.4.1 or Collada 1.5.1 schema specified at http://www.khronos.org/collada/"

    What would you guys recommend?

  4. why can't models just be offered as .skp files ??? i can't figure out how to convert from Collada to .skp , this seems fairly backwards in my opinion


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