Thursday, April 2, 2009

Your world in 3D

Widely publicized local modeling efforts in Madison NJ and McMinnville TN have fueled interest in creating 3D models for Google Earth. We do our best to make this process as easy as possible, but we know that we can always do a better job of educating users about our technology and the steps to get a model in the 3D Buildings layer of Google Earth. Whether we're attending a conference or just talking to folks on the street, we tend to hear the same message: "that's awesome, how do we do that?"

This was our motivation for developing the new Your world in 3D website. This site incorporates a video and illustration that explains how to build a model in SketchUp and add it to Google Earth. This page provides the specific steps to get started. We plan to update this site frequently and include case studies, news, and additional resources for anyone who is interested in modeling their town, house, or favorite building in 3D.

Bruce Polderman, Sr Business Product Manager


  1. Wonderfull.
    before we send this in Google Earth, is there any learn curve to learn Google SketchUp ?

    ( by NilmaBostonRio )

  2. Hello,
    My name is Kevin GIRARD and I contribute to a french website, Goopilation. This website provides all the official google's posts transleted into french. I would like to know whether your website Your World in 3D will be translated in other languages (such as french) or not?
    You can send me a mail here. Thank you for reading !

  3. Hello Bruce ...

    I have been googling around to find a direct email address, but couldn't find one.

    I want to ask you if your team is considering integrating GoogleEarth StreetView with SketchUp PhotoMatch?

    It would be nice if you could mark in GoogleEarth the building you like to model (draw a square around it) ... and GoogleEarth would export the surrounding StreetViews as PhotoMatch camera's to SketchUp ... along with the satellite image as top-view.

    I assume the precise coordinates of all the StreetViews are known, so it should be easy to calculate the precise dimensions of the selected building.

    I hope this message will reach you and your team. Let us know if your team is considering to implement this idea.

    Thanks a lot for looking into it !

  4. hello my name is John Maclachlan, and i am interested in creating my own video game in wich you are placed in my community and you can do anything, steal cars, enter peoples houses, do drugs ( to have a mild or harsh vision change ) and there is no police or figure of authority. basically there is no way to "win" because it is a game of a million possibilities.
    please contact me on ways i can do this, weither it is a program that will let me design it my self, or someone that could do it for me.


You are welcome to contribute comments, but they should be relevant to the conversation. We reserve the right to remove off-topic remarks in the interest of keeping the conversation focused and engaging. Shameless self-promotion is well, shameless, and will get canned.