Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Drag and drop your models with Creator

Esperient Creator is an interactive 3D application-authoring tool, that provides a WYSIWYG approach to creating interactive 3D applications. It's compatible with Google SketchUp and integrates right into your workflow. John D'Amours, President and Founder of Visual Training Solutions, uses Google SketchUp and the Google 3D Warehouse to create or find content. He then brings that content "to life" with Esperient Creator. He says, “SketchUp provides some great home furnishings, accents, and even unique materials and textures that can easily be modified and brought to life in RH and Esperient Creator. This is extremely useful for creating 3D instructions for improvement projects around the house, employees, and even marketing and communication tools. You never know what you’ll find in the Google 3D Warehouse…I always check there first.”

Check out this video that highlights a number of workflows using Google SketchUp and Google 3D Warehouse with Esperient Creator.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    John here (mentioned in this post). As a long-time users of SketchUp Pro, Experient Creator, and Right Hemisphere tools, I'd like to share some real secrets. Some may call this intellectual property, but if you're on a mission to change the world as in my case, I actually invite others to join in on the fun, or even compete to help get some traction (Google you can help too, and you already have).

    If I had it my way, every product on the shelf would have its barcode associated with a standard structure of support information. Besides popping up the obvious "Customer Service" or "Buy more" store links, I wish they all had visual 3D instructions! I've been trying to create a buzz around DIY instructions in 3D (without words) for over 2 years now. And yes, Sketchup Pro is a great source for missing data when the available product CAD data isn't complete or available. What's really cool is that my G1 Google phone with the Cupcake firmware is completely capable of this functionality right now (with a bit of help from Android). So although this could be a trade secret, something tells me Google is just a step away at steering this agenda, we'll see...

    Please check out the samples on my site ( along with my new Blog to voice your horror stories when trying to use conventional instructions... I know you have them because instructions in this world are so lame! Maybe you're like me and your don't use the instructions because they're so frustrating, and then screw things up on occasion, like I do!!!

    As I see it, when this momentum gets to a critical mass, something very interesting will happen - all for the good of the consumer, the planet, and the economy!

    Wow, I could go on and on about the people I've talked to on this, and what I've learned so far, but I'll just leave this teaser to see if anyone else would like to join in on this push, and I'll be adding more blogs on some interesting discoveries (like left vs right handed instructions)... what?

    One more thing, the story about young students using SketchUp is so credible; my 14 yr old son figured it out in about 2 hrs and helped developed some of the models in our products. Only minor coaching needed, but what's really amazing is he did it on this old laptop with ease!


    How do you like your instructions?
    Wonder why this is cost effective?
    Curious why I use these tools and how they work together?



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