Thursday, May 21, 2009

Launched: Tell us why we're wrong

We're working hard to display the very best 3D models in Google Earth. To accomplish that, we have dedicated, keen-eyed, folks looking at each model in the Google 3D Warehouse that's marked as "Google Earth Ready." If a model looks like a great fit, it's marked as "Accepted." Sometimes, though, a model needs a little more work before it's ready for Google Earth. We give a few tips on how to improve the model so that it may appear in Google Earth later. You can see these tips on your model's page in the 3D Warehouse.

I'll be the first to say that giving feedback for these models is both a science and an art. In other words, we may not always get it right. In the past, this was a problem because folks didn't have a great way to tell us that we're wrong and why. Sometimes, our satellite imagery may be inaccurate, or perhaps your building has no textures on one side because it's in a dense downtown area.

If you think we're totally off our rocker, now there's a way for you to help us correct our mistake. You'll see a link at the bottom of a review that says "Think this review is incorrect? Tell us why we're wrong." Click on the link, and you can send us a note, include a link to an image - whatever you think it takes to get us back on our rocker. We'll look forward to hearing from you.


  1. Is there a way to tell you how awful we think a model that's in Google Earth is? Because I have one in mind that's just AWFUL.

  2. Are models with translucent materials desired for the 3d buildings layer in GE???
    One of my models was included, but a traslucent glass window was replaced for a solid light blue window (not translucet).
    Another model was rejected because it didn't had enough fototextures, but it did had many. I wonder if the real reason is that is has plenty of traslucent materials.

  3. I agree with Justin. What is the best way to bring GE model problems to your attention.
    For example there are too many problems to list in Baltimore MD.
    Many (not all) of the buildings in this city seem poorly constructed and sloppy beyond the acceptable guidelines for the 3D warehouse.
    One example is near
    39°16'43.87"N 79°63'15"W
    and the next block to the north.
    Other examples can be found near
    39°16'36.25"N 76°36'50.53"W
    and the block to the North
    and the block to the North West
    and the block to the West
    and another block to the South West of that one.
    Just spend some time exploring the city and you will see what I mean.

  4. The system for putting models up on GE is painfully slow. I have been told by GE that a model has been accepted two months ago and there's no sign of it. It is very hard to encourage others to model for Google Earth when the process is so difficult and haphazard.

    Also I agree with Justin. Some of the models in my locality are so bad that they really aren't worth having up there as they make my town look like a dog's dinner. E.g. the models aren't done using photo textures even though GE are insistent (rightfully so) that they should be.

    People should have queries dealt with in a streamlined manner.

  5. Thank-you for your comments.

    As Tommy indicated, we do make some mistakes our processing by allowing some models to appear in Google Earth that do not meet our criteria, and, we reject other models that should have been included.

    As you might imagine it's a tough job but we're working hard to improve the process.

    If you disagree with a judgment we've made to *your* model, please "tell us why we're wrong" from the model detail page.

    If you see models that you discover in Google Earth that you do not feel meet the stated acceptance criteria, please post links to them on the Google 3D Warehouse group, and/or email them directly to me at and we'll have a look.



  6. Hello there,

    I would just like to add, that having a close relationship with SketchUp for many years now and training many people,looking at the potentials of GE with sketchup at its core, it is a time consuming job to review models and fix.
    We personally do it many times when assessing user knowledge and i have to say that promoting photo models for GE and the www, means that the tough job is keeping the standards high. This can have an impact on thoughts of onlookers. We have had clients pull down models and present them over the table, asked for our thoughts and i personally look forward to the future with some of them.

    It can be a combination of people getting involved in model making etc who require the knowledge of modeling. Possibly they are being created to time constraints, i dont know. On a positive thought,, we would be more than happy to help the Google team
    anytime on model assessing etc
    as we have done this many times.
    Looking from a business point of view, bad stuff in gives you bad stuff back out. Some of us know how the newbies can learn
    and create better models and im sure it will be a matter of time.
    We are more than happy to email Google models that we come across that really should not be uploaded, especially as we are cleaning up GE models for client presentations or clients themselves
    finding uncertainties.

    Its jsut like keeping the house clean!

  7. Let me say thanks for putting this resource up here. No-one should overlook the fact that GE is a fantastic resource and this whole idea of putting up 3d models is really groundbreaking.

    I'm sure its not easy handling all of the workload that this brings. The fact that it is free and open is so important to its success.

    Back to the complaints: When you submit a model that is clearly way better than models that are in the vicinity and are told they are rejected it gives you a bad feeling- bad enough to make you want to stop submitting models.

    If GE gave some feedback that gave you the impression that someone "human" and "responsive" was reviewing the models, it would go a long way.

  8. Looks like the comments list is getting lonnngerrrrrrrr


    I salut the hard work and im sure our comments are being reviewed.

    Viewsion - dont feel bad it will get better.

    just imagine if for one day Google asked as many in the entire world to upload a GE model or a 3D warehouse model for charity
    Just imagine the good that that would do. i would still have the pleasure of reviewing and commenting on models and forever be tied to GSU and GE in this world and the next...

    I would like to see Google Advertise a world charity movement
    for everyone as much as possible to contribute regardless of how good or not the models were...then an even larger community learn. Training would then be conducted from Space!

    Im sure teh message is getting across.

  9. Edmonton is not "North America's most northern city" get your facts straight.

  10. Hi,

    I don't want to be a bad sport but I'm have had a couple of niggles when wanting to reposition my models in google earth after having posted them on 3D warehouse (they are placed in the default postion inn the Azinona Desert somewhere.


You are welcome to contribute comments, but they should be relevant to the conversation. We reserve the right to remove off-topic remarks in the interest of keeping the conversation focused and engaging. Shameless self-promotion is well, shameless, and will get canned.