Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Design It Shelter Competition: The Winners

Earlier this year, we teamed up with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum to launch the Design It: Shelter Competition. People all over the world were invited to use Google SketchUp to design small buildings and submit them for consideration. We received over 600 entries from 68 countries – the level of participation was astounding. You can check out all the entries on the Guggenheim website.

Two prizes were offered: the People's Prize and the Juried Prize. To determine the winner of the People's Prize, students from the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture winnowed down the entries to a list of ten finalists. Visitors to the Guggenheim website could vote for their favorite; the shelter with the most votes won. A jury of seven experts selected the winner of the Juried Prize.

Here's a video that announces the winners and talks a little bit about them:

The People's Prize

The winner of the People's Prize is the CBS – Cork Block Shelter
by David Mares of Setúbal, Portugal

The Juried Prize

The winner of the Juried Prize is the SeaShelter
by David Eltang of Aarhus, Denmark.

Each of the winners will receive transportation to New York City for two people, accommodation for two nights, "backstage" tours of both the Guggenheim Museum and our New York Google office, and free admission to a number of other NYC museums. The Juried Prize winner will also receive a check for one thousand dollars.

Congratulations to the finalists and to the winners. Thank you to everyone who submitted a design, and thanks to everyone who voted.

Posted by Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist


  1. i`m not agree with the juried prize, interior space is scarry, and sketch up model is not well done, even the images and photoshop work is not good

  2. The Juried winner design is awful and doesnt work at all ..why do you need a front door/hatch if it's submergible and where are you going to put that.. Iceland?

    And when it's all flooded then what? species? rest? and if you "rest" there where are you going to put your suplies?.. and how did you leave? swimming? so when you take your shelter don't forget to get a boat or you will be stucked. and now that I realize, How the hell do you get the boat to the shelter?.. car/truck? in a floodable area...right.

    Worst winning entry ever and let's not talk about the modeling and photshop work.. Jeez, Winner must have been 10 years old.

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  5. people who were criticizing the winners, be nice. its just a competition. winners, congradulations, i know how long it must have taken to come up with the idea and create it in google sketchup. congrats

  6. i´m not understanding this prize!

    where is the place for sleep?

    is this shelter water proof?

    with this stairs is very dificult to reach the upper level!

    I don´t know but that place seem to be very cold... please in denmark!!

    who is the jury?

  7. Let me tell you something, that sea shelter is an amazing creation....I'm completely blown away by this google sketch technology!

  8. Sadly like most architectural competitions, the prize winners are awful designs that would never work for anything. Often though, prize winning presentations are at least well designed. These aren't even good renderings or presentations. Good work can be done with Sketchup, this competition didn't even demonstrate that, which was its only real purpose..


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