Thursday, January 28, 2010

Madrid goes 3D!

Madrid, Spain is the latest city to be introduced to the 3D Buildings layer in Google Earth.

The City of Madrid contains scores of beautiful structures ranging from art museums and classical monuments to palatial government buildings. The prevalence of architectural wonders may explain why passionate geo-modelers have created thousands of models there (using both Google SketchUp and Google Building Maker) -- the largest concentration of 3D models anywhere the world!

To start your virtual tour, I recommend you fly to El Palacio real de Madrid (Royal Palace of Madrid), the official residence of the King of Spain. From there I'd fly over to the Puerta de Alcalá, a famous classical monument located in the Plaza de la Independencia (Independence Square), and then over to the Monumento a Alfonso XII en el Parque del Buen Retiro, a beautiful monument that is among the greatest in Europe.

And don't miss the Plaza de Cibeles where the famous statue Fuente de Cibeles is surrounded by trees and beautiful buildings, including the stunning Palacio de Comunicaciones(Madrid City Hall) and Banco de España (Bank of Spain) buildings.

If I were to visit Madrid for real, I think I'd want to stay at the Palace Hotel, which is a short walk to the famous Prado Museum (one of my all-time favorite models in Google Earth) where you can fly inside and experience the great works of art.

Fútbol (American soccer) fan? Madrid is the home to Real Madrid, who play in the Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. Olé


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! Looks great!
    So are there people earning money making models? Where do I sign up?!?!?


  3. Hey, that's my palace! ... I mean, that's my 3D model. :-)

  4. Impresionante!!
    He estado viendo tus modelos, Davalon, y son muy buenos.

  5. Just two issues:

    1- The name of the Palace is "Palacio Real" not "El Palacio Real"

    2- When we go to a soccer match we dont say Olé! In fact Ole it's not a popular expresion in the vast majority of Spain.

  6. Muchas gracias Gargon.// Thank you very much Gragon, y olé!

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  9. No es cierto que miles de usuarios han contribuido, no me lo creo solo unos cuantos "heroes" han sido los precursores de madrid3d, el resto de los modelos son de satelite, posiblemente generados por "Erdas" empresa americana que digitaliza desde satelite y que lo está ofreciendo a todos los aytos. de España, y Europa, por cierto los habra pagado alguien, que nos son gratis..

    Enhorabuena Fernando, Cesar, Davalon, y los demas modeladores del verdadero equipo de 3d que se ha currado madrid.

    ¡¡¡ El protagonismo es vuestro ¡¡¡

  10. Gracias Peter g3d por la parte que me toca. Estoy muy interesado en conocer el modo en el que hacen esos modelos generados por "Erdas" ¿dónde puedo encontrar más información sobre el tema?

    Really I think that it si an interesting point. How are done this new "automated" generated models of Madrid?. Peter g3d said that a company called "Erdas" could be doing them, but who pays it? Does any one have more information about this kind of buildings?

  11. Davalonnn!!!me gustaría contactar contigo para preguntarte par de dudas!
    Felicidades por el trabajo!

  12. The best 3D in Google Earth :


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