Tuesday, January 12, 2010

SketchUp: a 3D Toolbox

We just came across a great SketchUp podcast by a creative and talented, if rather unlikely, host. SketchUp: a 3D Toolbox is co-created and hosted by Cameron Harris, a 16-year old from the Bay Area. Here's a little more about the show and host:

Learn how to create 3D models of buildings, sculptures, furniture and anything else you can imagine using Google's free modeling program, SketchUp. Your host, Cameron Harris, will walk you through the application's interface, teach you its tools, and work with you on projects.

Cameron is the co-creator of the Harwood Podcast Network. He's been using SketchUp since version 5 and has modeled the Network's Studio facilities, with all its sets, furnishings and details. He is currently modeling the set and camera angles for a new music show, "Live From Bay 6".


  1. that is acctually pretty kooooolieo

  2. Note to Google: You need to offer Cameron Harris a summer internship this year if not a job! His video tutorials are so professional, if you hadn't mentioned he was only 16, I never would have guessed. His parents and teachers deserve some high praise as well!

    Well done, Cameron! I look forward to watching more of your tutorials and other projects! :)


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