Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hiding individual 3D buildings in Google Earth

As tips & tricks go, this is a pretty darn simple one: You can individually hide the buildings on the default 3D Buildings layer in Google Earth. This is helpful when a model you're trying to show conflicts with a building that already exists. When you're in Google Earth , just right-click any 3D building you see and choose Hide building. Buildings you hide stay hidden until you restart Google Earth.

Here's an example:

I'm designing an awesome castle for the site of Daniel Libeskind's Denver Art Museum. See below to experience the majesty of my creative genius.

This castle is site-specific.

I turn on the 3D Buildings layer in Google Earth to show the rest of the city. After all -- my intervention is highly contextual. When I do, Libeskind's museum shows up, too. Sure enough, it conflicts with my SketchUp model.

Uh oh. The existing museum is visible, too.

I right-click on the museum and choose Hide building.

My castle, in context, sans museum.


Posted by Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist


  1. Nice castle there Aidan. When the client sees what they could have had on that site, Daniel's gonna get a hard time from them!

  2. When we where in boulder i mentioned it would be helpful to be able to hide/unhide within a single session. Whats the word on that?


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