Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Announcing the Sketch-a-Space design competition

We've collaborated with our friends at Easter Seals on a unique design competition that launched yesterday: Sketch-a-Space invites both pros and amateurs to use Google SketchUp to design spaces for people with autism. Our own Project Spectrum was started specifically with this community of people in mind.

Qualities of light, color, pattern, sound and other factors are critical to all good design; when it comes to design for people on the autism spectrum, this is doubly true. Some folks who are on the autism spectrum have environmental sensitivities that can have a profound effect on their ability to make use of a space. Understanding these sensitivities and creating spaces that accommodate them is what Sketch-a-Space is all about.

The design competition is open to people in the United States; you can enter in any one of four categories:

  • Youth with Autism: individuals with autism age 13-17
  • Adult with Autism: individuals with autism age 18 and over
  • Youth: individuals without autism age 13-17
  • Adult: individuals without autism age 18 and over

For complete details, including information about entering the competition, prizes, deadlines, judging (hint: I'm one of them) and official rules, visit the Sketch-a-Space website.

Good luck!

Posted by Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist


  1. Disculpa la molestia. leí en su blog q solo el consurso esta abierto para personas de estado unidos. yo soy mexicano y me agradaría participar. es esto posible?? me encanta trabajar con sketch up. pueden ver los trabajos realizados por nosotros en : http://marquitectonico.blogspot.com espero respuesta y mando un cordial saludo. Juan Carlos Matías

  2. Desafortunadamente, usted debe vivir en los Estados Unidos para participar en esta competición.

  3. Buenos Noticias! Revisamos nuestras reglas y participacion de nuestros amigos internacionales esta permitido.
    -Easter Seals y Google SketchUp

  4. Hello, my name is Beth Finke and I moderate the Easter Seals and autism blog. We are very excited to be working with you guys at Google SketchUp on the Sketch-a-Space competition. I linked to this post yesterday on our blog:

    We've already received some entries and are looking forward to many, many more -- you'll have your hands full, judging between them!

  5. Hi my name is Victor Michael Oguli from Uganda and don't live in the US but would like to take part in this kind of competition, will there be any competitions open to people across the globe too?


You are welcome to contribute comments, but they should be relevant to the conversation. We reserve the right to remove off-topic remarks in the interest of keeping the conversation focused and engaging. Shameless self-promotion is well, shameless, and will get canned.