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Corb says you should use SketchUp

Paul Lee (of Viewsion, a Google Authorized Training shop in Ireland), has made a couple of videos that made me laugh out loud. In the first one, Paul channels Le Corbusier and castigates architects for not using "ze SketchUp":

This next video features "Charles Edouard" reinforcing the importance of using lightweight geometry:

Congrats, Paul -- and keep 'em coming.

Posted by Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist

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Klaus Mc Schwab said...

Ah yez, zat is ow you say? awesome! Tanqs for zat... Charles Edouard.

Joe Bardales said...



Anonymous said...

Somebody uses Final Cut Pro! ;)

Anonymous said...

As a former student of "The Bauhaus on the Bowery", the collected works of Le Corbusier are at the very center of my design ethos. I'm ROTFL with these videos.

For what it is worth, I've always thought that the minimum criteria for Le SketchUp's modeling tools should be their ability to represent everything that Corb built. Looks to me like we're headed in the right direction.

thanks, Paul!

Klaus Mc Schwab said...

I'll assume normality for this response... Thanks for the comments and support. I would love to do a video on Corbs work through sketchup models.

I have always wondered why there aren't huge amounts of nice video footage of beautiful buildings put to music and/ or with really interesting commentary. I did see "My architect" in the video shop recently- the movie about Louis Kahn directed by his son. Will have to pick that up!

I am looking at some more ideas.. Stay tuned, and send suggestions! Thanks again.

Unknown said...

Nicely done! Thanks for the information and entertainment. Charles Moore (FAIA and AIA Gold Medalist) is no longer living but the Los Angeles firm he founded, Moore Ruble Yudell, thrives and was AIA Firm of the Year in 2006. They are big SketchUp users. Buzz Yudell is interviewed about it in this SketchUp Show episode, second half of video. They started using SketchUp in 2005. I worked there in the 1980's.

Zulu9niner said...

Fantastic coffee time entertainm.... I mean work research!

Having picked up a copy of Sketchup for dummies and teaching myself the basics, I've found myself looking at my local area, rich in historic architecture, through the eyes of the push/pull tool.

It's great to see that a Cork company is making waves in Sketchup training for the masses. I wish you all the best, and might see you in class sometime soon!

Anonymous said...

Zere are still some architectes who like ze expensive software because eet makes zem feel better... Zey are (comments removed)...!!!

Anonymous said...

Zere are still some architectes zat must ave ze expensive software so zat zey can say "I 'ave ze expensive software, look at me!". Zey are obviously complete (...comments removed....)!!!!!