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Author badges in the 3D Warehouse

We’re excited to introduce author badges in the Google 3D Warehouse. Badges are our way of recognizing your modeling accomplishments and helping to establish your reputation in the 3D Warehouse community.

There are badges for:

  • uploading a SketchUp model
  • creating a Building Maker model
  • recognizing the number of buildings you’ve had accepted into the 3D Buildings layer of Google Earth
Here are my badges as displayed in My Models page:

As you can see, I’ve been busy working on badges and not models, so perhaps you’d like to see badges for more prolific geo-modelers? Check out a couple of our featured modelers: Tobias Merk and ftang. A complete explanation of the badges can be found in this help center article.

Ready to see what badges you already have? Sign into the 3D Warehouse and take a look. Your badges will be visible right on the front page. You can also click on My Warehouse > My Models to see your badges. Want to see what badges other users have? Simply click on their user name to get to their profile page. Competition among modelers just became a lot more fun. Stay tuned for more badges!

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Biospud said...

Is there a way to get a list of all of the modelers who have earned a particular badge? I would have assumed that I would see such a list upon clicking on that badge. But clicking a badge simply links to the "about badges" page.

Anonymous said...

There isn't yet a way to search for users who've earned a specific badge. This could be very useful to help connect users as we expand the types of badges.

Bryce S
Product Manager - 3D Warehouse

Anonymous said...

Nice to see it, I liked a lot!!

Xanda Hanscom said...

Google should recognize complex models that contain geometry beyond the existing tight specifications for acceptance in the Google Earth database. I'm sure that at one point the bandwidth will be such that these models will be acceptable.

Foton 1971 said...

Maybe it's just me, but I feel there is way too much emphasis on making models for Google Earth.

As this is supposed to be a tool for designers, I would like if there was a badge for actually creating something new and cool instead of just copying existing structures.

John said...

Please add 250 models badge

Foton 1971 said...

I think a badge indicating just the number of models by an author would be counter productive.

A badge indicating the number of models downloaded or rated by others would tell more about a designer than the number of models he or she has created.

We currently have a rating system for each individual model as well as for collections, so if someone clever added a good sorting function to the normal search function, we would have all this information at hand easily.

Simply type in a keyword for your search and filter the search results by popularity or rating.

Anonymous said...

i already tested it and wors fine!!!

red green said...

Can someone PLEASE delete Airshoes blatant SPAM effort! I don't want to see this forum become useless due to idiots posting messages where the sole intent is to send people to their web site to buy stuff...