Monday, July 26, 2010

3D Basecamp: Submission deadline extended

It would appear that giving folks only the weekend to submit their requests for 3D Basecamp 2010 invitations was a not-so-good idea -- my sincere apologies (and thanks) to all those who rushed. Most of the image links we've received so far are both beautiful and inspiring. This is going to be one heck of an event.

We've still got lots of space available, so please keep those submissions coming. We plan to keep the form online an extra two days -- until 09:00 MDT (15:00 GMT) Wednesday, July 29th.

Critical links:
Update: If you're invited to attend, you'll still receive an email from us by Friday, July 30th, 2010.

Posted by Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist


  1. hello,

    I hope that this won't mean another two days waiting for the invitation results, some of us (given that we will be invited) are coming from far away and have to make arrangements.
    thanks and (hopefully) see you soon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No worries -- We haven't extended our timeline for making decisions. If you're invited, you'll know by Friday, July 30th.


  4. As soon as i saw the post about 3d camp i sent my image link without even giving a lot of thought wether it was the best i had ( it was like 2 hours or so before deadline). Now i learn that i had an extra 2 days... again, just hours before.
    Anyway, having an invitation or not, i love sketchup and i use it everyday. Good luck on the camp!!!!

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