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Get closer to your models in the 3D Warehouse

If you thought the 3D View for models in Google 3D Warehouse was cool, you will flip for the new "Zoom and Pan". Now you can orbit, zoom in, pan around, and zoom out -- right in the preview window without having to download the model. Use your mouse wheel to roll in for a closer view. Click and hold the Shift key to pan around. You can even change the view when zoomed in! Check out this model of the Eiffel Tower.

  1. Click on the 3D View button in the preview window.
  2. Click and hold the left mouse button to swivel your view.
  3. Now the really cool part...roll your mouse wheel forward to zoom in.
  4. Click and hold the left mouse button to swivel the zoomed-in view.
  5. Hold the Shift key and pan up, down, left and right.

Now it's possible to get a clear idea of the model before you decide to download it!

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Corey said...


Anonymous said...

Excellent! A long wished for feature as it is often hard to tell if a model is going to have the detail or features that you need until it is downloaded.


Very nice feature, but zoomin' in picture quality become very poor.

Anonymous said...

Can we also have the ability to orbit using shift key and mouse scroll wheel press down mode , just like in sketchup

James Ogston - 3D Design Software Expert - Architecture,Engineering and Construction Services said...

Hello there,

Anonymous, should you not mean to have the ability to press down the
mouse scroll wheel to orbit the model, just like in SketchUp?

Unknown said...

Anonymous: The case is that the WebExporter plugin creates a series of images from a certain viewport and uses these images for the 3D View. This means that there are no images from other views i.e. "Orbiting" (like changing the viewing angle) is not possible.

As for the zooming; it's very cool, especially with models for GE for instance where the plugin has (so far) taken the (otherwise invisible) GE snapshot and Terrain into consideration, too, and the actual model looked very "far away" for a better scrutiny.

Now if the 3D Map (with it's "View on a 3D Map" link) could also be integrated into the model window, when embedding into an external website, one could not really wish any other, new feature (hm... certainly you never know - these users have the imagination and of course it's good inspiration I guess).

James Ogston - 3D Design Software Expert - Architecture,Engineering and Construction Services said...


im sure you may find that orbiting may be a feature in the future.

Nothing is impossible!