Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

Introducing SketchUp Sages

There's a brand-new source of SketchUp salvation on the Interweb, and it's a doozy. SketchUp Sages is a collection of the very best advice from some of the very best SketchUp modelers on the planet. These kind, expert souls have put together a one-stop place to look for all kinds of answers and it's great.

The site starts with a section that answers the question, "How do I make SketchUp run faster?" ...and it only gets better from there. If you consider yourself a SketchUp enthusiast, you owe it to yourself to visit this site ASAP.

Posted by Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist

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idraftnz said...

Can you change the link to Spirit CAD - Softtech International website too

The link is under Resources/Research and webpages/Architectural

Cheers Jeff

daveedwards said...

OK - How does one qualify as a "sage"?

David William Edwards