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SketchUp to 3ds Max, anyone?

Those of you who use SketchUp with 3ds Max 2010 are in luck; the folks over at Autodesk have created a nice importer that should make your life just a little bit easier. They've even made a lovely video to show it off:

The new SketchUp import capabilities are part of the Connection Extension available to 3ds Max 2010 and 3ds Max Design 2010 Subscription members.

Tip: Just in case the new importer only works with SketchUp 6 and 7 files, remember that you can always "downsave" to an earlier version from SketchUp 8 (and SketchUp Pro 8).

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Unknown said...

Could you make the same thing for Maya? :) yes, please??

Unknown said...

Why does it not come up and say this is not a trusted 3DS file on the Autodesk video just like the way their CAD software behaves when others try to collaborate?

is this a better way now rather than subscription users who pay heavily for their software to now model in SketchUp? Think of all those family software apps that offer modelling??

looks like alot of money lost!

model with fun, model accurately , much quicker and render in what you think is best

looks like SketchUp is becoming industry standard toooo!

ps are Autodesk confirming that they are putting back into their Vertical products the very successful 3DSOUT command for exporting Autodesk models into SketchUp ;)

Unknown said...

This extension was released one year ago. I used it with my students: very useful.
It is now standard in 3DSMax 2011.

Unknown said...

Very nice! Would like to see a similar Autodesk importer made for Maya.

Johnny said...

This is great! I'm using 3Ds Max and Sketchup to create augmented reality manipulatives for educators through ARSights @ K-12 Mobile Learning. This plugin just made life a little easier :).

Unknown said...

Im about to jump 2 the nxt stage & learn some form of rendering software to enhance my sketch up drawings.
I've got a MAC so what gives the most amount of WOW with the least amount of learning curve?
Anyone pls advise.

Tx a lot