Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

Announcing the Google SketchUp + Ponoko Challenge Winner

The winner of the Google SketchUp + Ponoko Challenge is in. Congratulations to Ed Lewis, aka Fungus Amungus, who created a wonderful instructable about using SketchUp with Ponoko 3D printing!

In his instructable, Ed walks through 7 easy steps to go from a simple cube in SketchUp to a 3D printed, level-3 Menger sponge.

Menger sponge in SketchUp and printed with Ponoko’s durable plastic.

Ed has won a SketchUp Pro license, a 12-month subscription to Ponoko Prime and a $537 Ponoko digital making voucher.

Upon winning, Ed told us, “it’s great to see more and more tools of creation, like Ponoko, being opened up to everyone.” We couldn’t agree more.

Congrats to Ed for winning the grand prize and congrats to Ponoko for making a great 3D printing tool!

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Anonymous said...

There isn't any second place?, i was working so hard on this one: