Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trying on the new Dynamic Views from Blogger

As you may have noticed, the Google SketchUp blog looks a lot different today. That’s because we—along with a few other Google blogs—are trying out a new set of Blogger templates called Dynamic Views.

Launched today, Dynamic Views is a unique browsing experience that makes it easier and faster for readers to explore blogs in interactive ways. We’re using the Magazine view, but you can also preview this blog in any of the other six new views by using the view selection bar at the top left of the screen.

We’re eager to hear what you think about the new Dynamic Views. You can submit feedback using the “Send feedback” link on the bottom right of this page, or visit our discussion group.

If you like what you see here, and we hope you do, we encourage you to try out the new look(s) on your own blog—read the Blogger Buzz post for more info.


  1. I can't browse Dynamic Views in iPhone browser!

  2. Works like crap on my ipod in all viewing options, nothing is resized to fit screen. Makes me dizzy, I prefer to see whole page on screen then zoom in to what I want... Not the reverse because you don't even know the page layout.

  3. i saw yesterday in desktop blooger, and then i create a new blog with this style, looks very well ¡¡

  4. Haha. I have also noticed the new look. Interesting experiment - we1ll see how it works out in everyday look (some older, inserted images may need some size or alignment adjustment)

    Edit: the iFrame (or whatever) for posting a comment is painfully smaller than the comment page inserted in and there are scroll bars both vertically and horizontally so even to read the captcha, I need to scroll horizontally.

  5. OK, let's try to post another test comment (sorry guys, you need to be patient)

    Edit: the same. Scroll bars all over the place. Come on; a 340x150 pixel input field / frame (div/whatever) nowadays? Someone did not take into account that before posting, we are redirected to a captcha input field.

    And before entering the captcha but going back to "Edit" and then pressing the "Post submit" button, it says that I did not enter the captcha correctly. Sure I did not: I have not even sent my comment but edited.


You are welcome to contribute comments, but they should be relevant to the conversation. We reserve the right to remove off-topic remarks in the interest of keeping the conversation focused and engaging. Shameless self-promotion is well, shameless, and will get canned.