Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Building Maker gets two new cities in Brazil

Two years ago we launched a web-based tool that creates 3D models from a 2D workspace: Google Building Maker. At the time of the launch, users could only make models in 50 cities. Today we’re adding two more cities, just in time for the anniversary of its launch. With the addition of Porto Alegre and Brasilia, you can now create models in 124 cities.

Join in the birthday celebrations by modeling some buildings in Building Maker’s newest cities. Feliz aniversário, Building Maker!


  1. Gostava de divulgar o meu blog com vocês !


  2. He liked to promote my blog with you!

  3. nice... I had created over 90 models for Porto Alegre, using the old traditional Sketchup method...


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