Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

SketchUp Halloween Challenge: 13 Hours Left

A quick reminder: The SketchUp Halloween Challenge deadline is only 13 hours from now. If you're planning to submit a haunted house or a jack-o'-lantern, now's the time.

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Rachel said...

Boo hoo - I missed it because I never saw the response to my question about the form not working (I went out of town and didn't get to check back). Oh well - anybody who wants to take a peak at my jack-o-lantern honoring Steve Jobs can see it in the 3D warehouse. It is called "Jack-o-lantern In Memoriam".

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry the timing didn't work out, but I included your model in the post anyhow : ) May I ask: Where shall I say you're from? (City, Country)



Rachel said...

I'm from Florida. I'm also a little embarassed that I spelled peek incorrectly in my post above. LOL! Thanks for including my entry. :)