Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

Announcing the 2012 Google Model Your Town Competition

Following the success of last year’s Google Model Your Town competition, today we're launching the second Google Model Your Town Competition. Model Your Town is about geo-modeling – making photo-textured models of real-life buildings that appear in Google Earth. The Model Your Town Competition is also a chance to celebrate your town by adding it to the 3D map. Of course, the USD$25,000 for a local school/district is a nice incentive too.

Barranco, Lima, Peru

The Model Your Town Competition is open to just about everyone, just about everywhere in the world. Form a team, model buildings (using SketchUp or Building Maker) and upload them by the end of February 2012.

You can model as many structures as you like – which types of buildings you choose to include is entirely up to you. The important thing is that your choices say something about the character and history of your town.

If your town wins, a bunch of us from the SketchUp team will visit, throw you a dinner party and do our best to make you feel like the local hero that you truly are. Check out the competition website for details, and start rounding up teammates!

Here's some inspiration by way of the 2010 winner, Jorge De Albertis, from Lima, Peru (just to get your creative juices flowing):

New to geo-modeling? Learn more at Your World in 3D, then get started modeling your town!

Posted by Allyson McDuffie, Google Geo team

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Eloi Raiol said...

Why Brazil is out of the competition?

Danilo Borin said...

O Brasil está sim na competição, ta nas regras, só que ninguem ainda se inscreveu

Eloi Raiol said...

O que está escrito nas regras é isso: EXCETO PARA ITÁLIA, BRASIL, QUEBEC, Cuba, Irã, Síria, Coréia do Norte, Sudão e Mianmar (Birmânia).

MDavid said...

"The Model Your Town Competition is open to just about everyone, just about everywhere in the world."

"Residents of Iran, Sudan, Cuba, Syria, North Korea, Myanmar (Burma), Quebec, Brazil, and Italy ARE NOT ELEGIBLE to participate."

Why not Brazil?

Anonymous said...

Residents of Iran, Sudan, Cuba, Syria, North Korea and Myanmar (Burma) are not eligible to participate. As well, residents of Brazil, Italy and the province of Quebec are not eligible due to local regulatory compliance requirements. You can get answers to other questions about the competition at

Unknown said...

Can you do a particular neighborhood within a large city? does it have to be a whole town?

番頭のブログ said...


Anonymous said...

That's really interesting why Brasil don't take part in competition!!!!