Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What would you 3D print?

It’s easy to see why 3D printing has captured the imaginations of modelers around the globe -- it’s captured ours as well! Being able to hold what you’ve modeled in your hand brings a new dimension (no pun intended) of understanding and usefulness to the 3D design process.

We’re curious to learn more about what SketchUp users want out of 3D printing: if you were going to (or already have!) print a SketchUp model, what would it be? Take a couple minutes to let us know.

Posted by Mark Harrison, Community Manager


  1. Hey! This isn't related to the topic of 3D printing, but one easy feature that the warehouse needs is the ability to respond to model reviews. Just thought I'd remind you, Google (:

  2. Stupid probe...
    I've stuck on question about price. No matter what I put in the field it tells that price is incorrcet:>
    I've tried number, number + $, number + USD etc...

  3. Hi pryzgod,

    We spotted this issue after making the survey live, the expectation is that you'll enter the value in the standard American format of $0 for the value. We're correcting the form to remove the need for the dollar sign altogether however changing surveys and forms isn't instantaneous so it won't be changed until tomorrow morning.

    You're free to enter it again with the format indicated above or just check back on Friday to submit your response. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

  4. This is not related to the topic of 3D printing, but a simple feature needed by the warehouse capacity to respond to the review model.

    Midwest Scrapbook

  5. The "How much would you pay" question is bad. What material is being printed? What detail level? I've paid $30- $600 for some of my jobs. I know clients who have paid thousands. This is like asking "how much would you pay for a tool?" .... what am I using the tool for? To broad a question.

  6. as McGyver said, the "how much would you pay" question is related to size, material, and finish (monochrome or full color) 3d printing is too pricy nowdays maybe the question could be a little more specific

  7. I'm waiting for a printer that uses sugar. Then I can give the models away to developers to sweeten the deal.

  8. I'm interested in seeing the results of this poll. Will they be made public?

  9. SketchUp free is worth every penny.
    Having been a 2D AutoCAD user I find this free software is very limiting.
    I will see tomorrow if my interpretation of a solid thingymabob has any holes. (That I didn't expect).


You are welcome to contribute comments, but they should be relevant to the conversation. We reserve the right to remove off-topic remarks in the interest of keeping the conversation focused and engaging. Shameless self-promotion is well, shameless, and will get canned.