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Maxwell Render for SketchUp competition winners announced

In November, our friends at Next Limit Technologies announced the release of the Maxwell for Google SketchUp plugin, a dedicated photo-renderer that operates entirely inside of SketchUp. Soon after, they issued a challenge to see who could make the juiciest render using either the free or licensed version of the plugin. The winners of this first Maxwell for SketchUp render competition were announced this week, and they are, in a word, delicious. See for yourself.

Licensed Category:

1st place: Brodie Geers

2nd place: Karlis Musts

3rd place: Francois Verhoeven

4th place: Michael Loper

5th place: Gui Talarico

Voted #1 on social networks: Paulo Avelar

Free Category:

1st place: Arcen Dockx

2nd place: Iwan Widjaja

3rd place: Satrio Hadi

4th place: Saul Giron

5th place: Pandu Pebruanto

Voted #1 on social networks: Daniel Currea

Judging from the quality of these renders, the contest was a big hit. Congrats to everyone!

Posted by Gopal Shah, SketchUp Marketing

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Unknown said...

Awesome creations.

emoNoShoujo said...

oh my..

Hussel Hann said...

wow...all the winners are so so good. i simply cannot understand art. that's why i cannot understand the art behind Francois Verhoeven models.

bnpyc said...

Great program, can't wait till I can put it on my android tablet

G:Lam said...

I think Karlis should have won first place. Daylight rendering is the easiest to manipulate. Karlis had to deal with light and dark spaces which has far greater challenges than Brodie's. Don't get me wrong Brodie's is nice but not as good as Karlis thats my view

Bharadwaj Aryasomayajula said...

really awesome, but, can we make all of these without Pro..????

Anonymous said...

Wow..! Simply marvelous touch.I dont have any better words to describe.