Thursday, November 15, 2012

Stunning models of an equally stunning town: a visit to Getaria

Back in May, we announced the winners of the 2012 Model Your Town Competition, Josetxo Perez Fernandez and Pedro Domecq Aguirre, who modeled the beautiful town of Getaria, Gipuzkoa, Spain.

Recently, a team of folks from both SketchUp and Google traveled to Getaria to celebrate Josetxo, Pedro, and Getaria’s citizens. Let’s just say Getaria has pretty much the best fish and friendliest people you’ll find anywhere in the world. The local school, Herri Iturzaeta Eskola, received $25,000 from Google, which was presented during an assembly at the school. Josetxo and Pedro led an inspiring session on how they created their models. Judging by the excitement in the room, we expect there will be some 3D wonder-kids in Getaria’s future.

Pedro and Josetxo presenting SketchUp and Google Earth to the students of Herri Iturzaeta Eskola

Citizens of Getaria also welcomed us at the new Cristóbal Balenciaga Museum, for a reception and tour. The museum’s collection of Spain’s most famous fashion designer is a big point of pride for Getaria, and not to be missed if you’re ever visiting Basque country.

We congratulate Josetxo and Pedro on creating such incredibly beautiful SketchUp models. You can explore Getaria for yourself in Google Earth and then compare the 3D models to the real thing in this photo gallery of our visit.

Posted by Allyson McDuffie & Tyson Kartchner, SketchUp Team


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Gracias al equipo de Google y Trimble, por darnos el privilegio de pasar unos días con ellos en nuestra tierra, fue genial y lo pasamos muy bien. Una vez más gracias tambien a todos a los que nos apoyaron en este concurso, sin ellos hubiera sido imposible.¡ Peter

  3. What's going on with Sketchup? It's have been 3 years since any good update had happen!

    When the 64bit version will be available?
    When will we be able to have complex model without crashing Stekchup?
    When rounded couner will be available natively?
    When solid will be fixed (fail to detect solid, subtraction or addition create not solid object)?
    When you will create a good debugger for ruby script?
    When will you create a good ruby editor build-in?
    When will you create a ruby script store?
    When will you replace the build-in browser with chrome instead of ie?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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