Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

Announcing the winners of the 2008 Model Your Campus Competition

We're happy to announce the winners for the Google 2008 International Model Your Campus Competition! Congratulations to the talented students who took on such a challenging project. The winning schools are (in no particular order):

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Nicolas Copernicus University
Department of Biology and Earth Sciences

Johns Hopkins University
Student Technology Services & Digital Media Center

Stockholm University and KTH
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Missouri University of Science and Technology
Department of Physical Facilities

Cardiff University
Department of Information Services

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Department of Engineering

Bournemouth University
The Business School

Peking University
School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science

See their amazing models in Google Earth or check out their individual collections in the 3D Warehouse. Check out the competition website for more details about the judges, the rules, the winners and what they won. Congratulations to the winning teams, and a big thank you to everyone who participated.

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