Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

The camera adds ten pounds

Posted by Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist

As people who already know what SketchUp is, I doubt anything in the video we made recently will be groundbreaking news. Nonetheless, we're proud of it, and we thought you might be interested.

Some notes before you watch it: This was my first time "acting" in a non-training video – I know I won't be winning an Oscar anytime soon. Also (in the interest of full disclosure), I did design the DVD coffee table in real life, but my good buddy and coworker Tyson Kartchner built it in his garage. This is a good thing, as power tools and I don't always get along.

The table will soon be residing in a member of the SketchUp team's dwelling, but if you'd like to build something like it, I've posted the model to the 3D Warehouse.

I used SketchUp to design the "set" for the video, and LayOut to create the storyboard we used to plan it out and shoot it. As you can see, we stuck to it pretty closely:

(click the image to see it bigger)

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Manuel said...

This is an excellent video. Great to demonstrate the power of Sketchup

Anonymous said...

which application are you using to model the guy in the storyboard?

The SketchUp Team said...

I downloaded him from a great website called I turned his head with some very careful work in SketchUp.

3dcowboy said...

Great video Aidan! This is a very effective demonstration of SketchUp. Are there any plans to do more? Something like this would be very helpful to include in my presentations to City Planning groups.

Oh, one more thing, in the sequel I would like to see "space lasers" included somehow... ;-)


Unknown said...

Muy bueno me ha gustado mucho.

Unknown said...

Very good i'like it

Architectural Renderings said...

Great video. it reminded me of Blues Clues. The first thing that caught my attention was your "about right" statements. that would drive those architects and engineers mad. It might lead them to think you can only be "about accurate" in Sketch-Up, which would be misleading.

Bobby W Parker

Unknown said...

Very very nice. Turn this into a 30 second spot and run it during the Superbowl. Sponsored by Home Depot or some other.... brilliant storyboarding as well.


Nate said...

Great video Aidan.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Adrian Lee said...

I like the dvd storage built at the end. Cool!

Anonymous said...

Been using scetch up for years now,
- it just keepd getting better !

Anonymous said...

Great video, I will definitely show this to my students in class! P.S. love the comment on space lasers, that was awesome at base camp!

Anonymous said...

Aidan, Video was short and made it look so easy. Could you post the "layout" storyboard so we could use it as a is fantastic!
Regards, Bill

Dash said...

Great video! Efficiently informative and entertaining at the same time. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

That's worthy of an Oscar:-)

Would love to see a video demonstrating the GIS add-on.

Unknown said...

Excellent video. & storyboard. Happy to see that your RWA experience in building sets has come to fruition. 10 lbs. ??

The SketchUp Team said...
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SketchUp Team said...

Mrs. P!

10 lbs. is optimistic : )


Anonymous said...

entertaining, but unfortunately the
result didn't match the "sketch".
So are here details left out for
the sake of entertainment?
sth that me as european don't like
that much. americains seem to
be more indulgent with logical gaps when the entertaining part does it right ...

Anonymous said...

Where can i buy this ?

The Cobra said...

That was great and shows how easy SketchUp really is. Please make more like this!

Anonymous said...


El Mediador® said...

Nice work...but, definitly in 1st shot there weren't just 150 dvd's.

The guy has a perception problem.