Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

Design competition announced by Dwell

Our friends over at Dwell Magazine just announced an exciting new product redesign competition sponsored by the all-new Volkswagen CC: Innovate it!

Their spring competition seeks to improve the design of everyday objects (towel racks, toothbrushes, transit vehicles) and is split into two phases. In phase one, you submit your suggestions for everyday objects that need re-imagining and then the Dwell editors will choose the three best ideas from all entries. Enter the first phase by March 31st. In phase two, you will submit a design proposal for one or all three most tragically-designed objects from phase one. They're inviting products designed using Google SketchUp. You can also use LayOut to put together your proposal. Enter your ideas today.

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Unknown said...

I am very concerned that "Google" et. al. state in their fine print that when one submits 3D material "content" thru google--
you must agree to give up the rights.
They say this in their use agreement. had better not feel that you truly came up withanything significant----because its THEIRS.