Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

We're tweeting

By now, most of you have probably heard of Twitter and some of you might even be using it to follow celebrities, friends & family, tech websites, famous athletes and anyone that you take an interest in! To help you stay connected to news about Google SketchUp, we've decided to launch SketchUp's very own Twitter account - follow us at @sketchup. The 3D Warehouse is also tweeting on their own account at @3DWH. And, if you're interested in learning about towns that are modeling for Google Earth, start following @Modelyourtown. Take your pick or better yet, follow all of us!

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Me said...

Your Twitter link goes to www.t w i i t e You may want to fix that.

SketchUp Team said...

Thanks for the correction Jacob! I just corrected the link. Thanks again!