Friday, September 25, 2009

Share your profile in the 3D Warehouse

Google Profiles are a safe and easy way to share information about yourself and now you can present that information in the Google 3D Warehouse. How does it work? Well, when you upload a 3D model to the Google 3D Warehouse, it's now attached to your Google Profile. Other Google users can easily learn about you and your 3D passions! Here's what it looks like in the 3D Warehouse:

If you haven't created a Profile yet, it's a snap to do so. Go to and login with the same 3D Warehouse account. Do some clicky, type some typey, and boom! Folks who find your models can now find you (well, if you want them to).

Stumped for what to put in your profile? Create a 3D Warehouse collection for your hometown and use Google SketchUp 7.1 to model a few buildings. There's a good chance there are other modelers who are from the same place, and through the power of Profiles you might just make a 3D connection.


  1. There is a large amount of white space to the right of modeler profile. This could either be filled with his/her models and the profile would take the first spot; or it could be filled with user statistics:

    1. Number of Models
    2. Model Creation rate (models per week/etc)
    3. Modeling Since (Date)
    4. Number of Collaborations
    5. And so forth....

  2. Statistics is a good idea Nick. I like this option. Yours

  3. How Can I remove this stupid Google smile from my profile?
    I just dont want to provide my photo so i have uploaded blank white image. From that time it was deleted two times!... Why?

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