Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

Questions and Ideas for SketchUp 8

The Google SketchUp team is listening and wants to hear what you have to say about SketchUp 8!

This week at 3D Basecamp, selected SketchUp enthusiasts will gather in Boulder CO, to meet the SketchUp team and discuss all things in nature. One of the perks of attending 3D Basecamp is that users are presented with the opportunity to speak with SketchUp engineers face to face. They can ask their most pressing questions and share their most brilliant ideas for improving SketchUp.

Well guess what? This year, we are happy to announce that there is a way for every SketchUp fan (whether at 3D Basecamp or not) to be heard by the SketchUp team.

Today, we are launching our Google SketchUp Questions and Ideas moderator series where all SketchUp users can post questions and share ideas directly with the SketchUp team. The team is looking to clarify any questions you may have related to SketchUp 8 and is interested in hearing suggestions and ideas for improving SketchUp. We’re interested in hearing all your wildest ideas, so don’t be shy! While you’re on the series, also make sure to vote on other users’ questions and ideas. The SketchUp team will address top submissions publicly at 3D Basecamp and responses will also be posted directly in the series and in subsequent blog posts.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using the series. The series will have two different sections: one for asking questions about SketchUp 8, and one for posting any suggestions or ideas you have for making SketchUp better. Make sure you are posting in the appropriate section. Secondly, Please search for your question or idea FIRST to make sure it hasn’t already been posted. If it has, you should vote for it instead of writing in a duplicate. Also make sure to only submit one question or idea at a time, so it’s clear to your fellow users’ what exactly they are voting on. Following these rules will allow for more accurate voting results, and the SketchUp team will be able to comment on the questions and ideas you really care about.

The SketchUp team looks forward to hearing from you!

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Animandré said...


Eu acho o Sketchup muito bom. E faço um pedido:

Desenvolvam uma versão do Sketchup para a plataforma Linux.

Do mesmo modo que há para os demais sistemas operacioneias deve haver também para nós, usuários Linux.

Um abraço ao pessoal do Google Sketchup.

Essa nova versão do Sketchup, eu vou testar lá na casa de minha noiva.

Um abraço e sucesso.


I think Sketchup very good. And make a request:

Develop a version of Sketchup for the Linux platform.

Just as there are for other operating systems should be well for us Linux users.

Cheers to the staff of Google Sketchup.

This new version of Sketchup, I'll test out there at the home of my bride.

Best wishes and success.

Anonymous said...

Dear SketchUp team!
the idea behind Product Ideas is really great, but if you took your customers serious you could have just copy-pasted the ideas from last year.

I believe the Product Ideas are very risky: People tend to have false expectations of what features the next version will bring. That growing disappointment could easily be avoided.

Anonymous said...

Hi Freddi,

Actually, I think we did pretty well answering the requests from last year. In fact, we implemented about half of the top ten in SU8. If you'd like to discuss this in more detail, I've started threads for each of the top ten requests in our SketchUp Help Forums (in the "Feature Requests" group).

I look forward to seeing what makes it to the top of the voting this year. There's some crossover from last year, but also some new ideas. Don't let your voice go unheard!


Anonymous said...

Hi John,
I read the threads about the top ten and I appreciate the work that was done. I myself are neither Pro user, nor do I want to criticize ;-)

But I have fear that there might be a fundamental misunderstanding between Google and the Pro users - those who finance the development. Please keep an eye on the needs of companies and professional users.
kind regards,

Anonymous said...

Enquanto a preocupação é apenas em modelar o mundo em 3D, como muitos usuarios falam, o SketchUp não passa apenas de um plugin do Google Earth!

Unknown said...

just add the features of the most popular plugins in sketchup

google is powerful and can easily buy the rights of authors

all fredos, 1001, drop, makefaces, sectioncutface, straylines, weld, scene exporter...

Juan Carlos Arce Rios said...

Seria muy interesante para el programa que se enfocara mas en el campo de la arquitectura, como si fuese un programa BIM como archicad o revit..... llevo años manejándolo y si lograran incorporarle la parte arquitectónica les aseguro un éxito rotundo, debido a que esos otros programas limitan mucho a la hora del diseño.

Animandré said...

Olá, Aerilius!

Obrigado pela dica! Consegui instalar o Sketchup 8 no Ubuntu. Está perfeito.

Muito obrigado. Segui o tutorial do link que você me passou.

Mais uma vez muito obrigado.

Hello, Aerilius!

Thanks for the tip! I managed to install Sketchup in Ubuntu 8. You are perfect.

Thank you. I followed the tutorial link you gave me.

Again thank you.

Unknown said...

With regards to the 3D Basecamp 2010, I would just like to ask if you'll be uploading your lecture series just like before via youtube?

It would be great to have an update on all things related to sketchup :] Please, please, please upload them. I've learned so much from them and I'm just dying to know what you've all talked about this year.


Anonymous said...

I really think that sketchup would be an amazing application in which you set something up how cell phones are now with apps. Just like how programmers really make sketchup even better than it already is and your introduce there after market plugins and offer them in sketchup to work better or even more properly. I think to using Revit just like how revit used sketchup for its easy to use interface. I understand that sketchup is a quick 3d loose modeling program. But I am a little dissappointed with the updates that are in Sketchup 8. 8(

Anonymous said...

Hi guys- let me try to catch up with your comments...

Freddi: Actually, the vast majority of votes in last year's "Product Ideas" series were from Pro users asking for improvement to the Pro version of SketchUp. Thanks for referencing the threads from SketchUcation– I hope people will read them all the way through to the end for my full responses.

Henrique: Our goal with SketchUp is to provide a simple, abstract and universally useful set of modeling tools with the core modeling product. We also built the Ruby API to provide people with a way to make powerful for special purposes. There's a balance to be maintained, but I'll generally resist adding too many specialized tools to the core application.

angelica: Given this year's "Unconference" format, it wasn't possible to capture every session in video. We did capture the keynote and will be posting that shortly along with written noted from every session.

C0nfused2: SketchUp has an incredibly diverse user base these days, and it is a complicated job trying to keep everyone satisfied all the time. We run things like the "Google SketchUp Questions and Ideas" series to try to capture the most common requests from the entire user community... be sure to add your ideas there for consideration next time!


Anonymous said...

I would like to see the "reverse faces" command in the list for available shortcuts

Caiovisk said...

If there was a version for linux it would be very cool.

Caiovisk said...


Roy said...

I need it for Linux!!!!! other way I can not use it