Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

Upgrading to SketchUp Pro 8

Google Sketchup Pro 8 (with LayOut 3) is now available for purchase or upgrade in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. You can find out all about the great new features in this short video. It's really quite simple to upgrade from previous versions of SketchUp Pro to the latest one: If you have an active license for SketchUp Pro 7 (or 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1) you can upgrade it to a SketchUp Pro 8 license through our online store. Once you've purchased your new, upgraded license, you'll receive an email with two important pieces of information:

1. A link to download Google SketchUp Pro 8 (if you haven't already)
2. License information you need to authorize your software

If you’d like to try it out before upgrading, please feel free to download an eight-hour trial from our website.

Here are some more things to keep in mind:

  • The cost to upgrade each license is US$95, EU€83 or UK£68.
  • Please have your current serial number, registered user and company name available when you visit the upgrade portion of our store.
  • If you do not have your current serial or authorization number, follow these instructions to locate and retrieve them.
  • If you have any trouble upgrading, please visit our Help Center for more detailed instructions.
  • If you purchased a SketchUp Pro 7 license on or after August 1, 2010, the upgrade fee is waived as long as you upgrade on or before November 1, 2010.
  • If you have an EDU license that is not yet expired, your SketchUp Pro 8 upgrade is free.
  • If you purchased a SketchUp Pro license through one of our authorized resellers, please contact that reseller directly for upgrade terms.
  • If you have a need to contact us through the Help Center in the near future, please keep in mind that while we do get a little bogged down at release time, we will do our best to get back to you as as quickly as possible.
Thanks for your continued business and happy sketching!

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Torben said...

All very nice, but where is the linux version?

Unknown said...

plugins from pro 7.1 doesn´t work in this version!!!

Anonymous said...

Torben: SketchUp 8, like other recent versions, can be run pretty well on Linux by using Wine. Check out our user forums for help if you need it.

Bruno: Be sure that you've moved your plugins to the SU8 plugins directory– we don't automatically reinstall plugins for you on major version upgrades. Most SU7.1 plugins will 'just work' with SU8, but we did replace SketchUp's Ruby interpreter with an upgraded version that is a bit more particular about syntax than the old one was. You may need to wait for the author of your plugins to release SU8-compatible versions.

-Dante- said...

The download link for the spanish version does not work, i´ve been redirected to the english version every time i click on it

Anonymous said...


Thank you for the notification regarding the Spanish download for SketchUp 8. The download url has been udpated, and is now leading to the correct language file.

-Dante- said...

Thanks for your help Helen

Unknown said...

hi i want to use 3d rad gaming software with 3d rad to make skin meshsesh, if any 1 nos how 2 plz reply to this email-

thx if u can help me