Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

Statewide SketchUp Pro for K-12 schools

K-12 schools all over the world are using SketchUp. Ask any 7th grader if they’ve heard of it and they’ll say something along the lines of “SketchUp is awesome!” Shining examples of student work abound; take a look at Eric Yam’s space colony or Andrew Nathanson’s workshop presentation if you’re looking for inspiration. We made this short video to highlight other great SketchUp work in K-12 education.

Though lots of schools use the free version of SketchUp, we’d prefer that they get SketchUp Pro 8—there’s lots in the professional version that students and educators can use. To that end, we offer a special, no-cost license grant to U.S. states (and Canadian provinces) that want to install SketchUp Pro in every single one of their K-12 schools. There are currently 20 states in the program; collectively, they represent over 250,000 seats. Visit the SketchUp Pro Statewide K-12 Licence Grant website for information about signing up. Spreading the SketchUp love makes us happy. We invite your state (or provincial) technology director to apply.

We’re in the process of exploring a means of rolling out this program internationally, too. If you represent a state, province or other territory in a country other than the U.S. or Canada, and you’re interested in implementing something similar, please drop us a line at

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Cole said...

What about higher education?

Bonnie Roskes said...

This is great news! Will LayOut be included with these licenses?

Anonymous said...

@ Cole, this license grant is for K-12 only. Higher education licensing is offered at a deeply discounted price - see details at

@ Bonnie, yes, all SketchUp Pro licenses come with Layout!

Rossco said...

The sketchupforeducation email address does not appear to work - seems to have an unrealistic size restriction?

I use Sketchup Free extensively and would love the opportunity to use Sketchup Pro.

Ross Hampton
ICT Manager
Wellesley College

04 576 2276
0274 082801
Blog: ICT and Learning

徵信情感小屋 said...

Not only in school, free version of sketchup in many feild will be popular.

Unknown said...

Please state does not have a grant program and I am the CIO of an Independent School,
We are launching our New Media curriculum PK-12 in September and haven't been able to get in touch with anyone since February. What can we do?