Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

Now even better

Posted by Bryce Stout, Product Manager

The third m
aintenance release of SketchUp 6 and SketchUp Pro 6 (including LayOut) is now here. We've been working long and hard to fix bugs and improve general stability. For SketchUp Pro users, we've also made many improvements to LayOut (which is still in beta). If you're interested, you can take a look at the release notes for Windows and Mac.

The next time you open SketchUp, you should see a message prompting you to get the latest version; just follow the directions in the prompt to do so. If you don't see the prompt, choose Check for Update from the Help menu. If you're on a Mac, choose Check Web for Update from the SketchUp menu. Staying up-to-date is as simple as that.

The biggest news for this release is that we have done a lot of work which will allow us to begin localizing SketchUp into many more languages. For those you who have been patiently anticipating a release in French, Italian, German, Spanish, or Japanese, your wait is almost over. Look for the official announcement of these releases in the coming weeks.

Other fixes and improvements include:

  • We fixed several crashing bugs in Sketchup
  • Numerous upgrades to the Sketchup Ruby API.
  • Over a dozen upgrades and fixes for LayOut.

One more important note: My reign as the Official SketchUp Scale Figure will continue for at least one more release! Now, I realize at this point you could be thinking: "Ugh. That scale figure guy annoys the crap out of me – I'm so sick of deleting him every time...." or, "Oh, no -- the day is coming when Bryce won't be the scale figure?" In either case, you really need to learn about SketchUp Templates so you can easily customize the setup of each new document you create.

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The comments you read here belong only to the person who posted them. We do, however, reserve the right to remove off-topic comments.


Danny Taft said...

When are we going to see an update featuring a linux version of sketchup?! I'm dying here!
Google is so up to date with linux versions of Desktop and Picasa...where's sketchup?

Anonymous said...


yeah, I didn't think so...

(but @Last used to manage to produce these versions)

Hansjuerg Wuethrich said...

yes Please , i need also a Linux Version. PLEASE !!!

Unknown said...

Yeah! A Linux version, please!!!!

RdIaZ said...

Hey , linux version is a repetitive question. do you help us with a response? The common users of linux and sketchup is a great count (includes my girlfriend and I) and we appreciate an official response, or a comment in this blog.

CraigD said...

Hi anonymous - we are working on producing these language versions in the coming stated in the blog...


- CraigD

Bryce said...

Hi all,

Thanks for your requests for a linux version. Unfortunately we cannot discuss any future development on the product. Sorry guys, wish i had a more satisfying answer.

Best Regards

nickvet419 said...

We'll miss you Bryce when your not that little dude anymore.
Any clues to who's up next?

Bryce said...

Thanks Nick!

I have no idea who the next scale figure will be or how we'll choose them. Maybe we will do something fun such as have a contest or let people vote?

~B )

Anonymous said...

Dying for announcement of a Linux port here. Can't imagine it would be too difficult to port the MacOS source. Speculating the holdup must be internal political squabbling as there appears no technical reason to delay this announcement any longer.

Anonymous said...

Where's sketchup 7.0

Anonymous said...

Google Sketchup Beta for Linux!

Sr Cuervo said...

What on earth are you guys whining about, Sketch up runs with wine. A linux version would be great but in the mid time Im sure we can wait.

Anonymous said...


yes need a linux version. I tried what ever i can with wine (and others) but i doesnt work.

SVP on en a besoin

Anonymous said...

My wife is a high school math teacher who learned about Sketchup at a conference. She would also like a Linux version, since that's the only OS either of us run at home.

She would be more likely to use SketchUp in a lab setting at school if it was available at home for testing.

Thanks for the great, free program. I understand that your hands are tied to make any announcements now, but I figure some extra feedback doesn't hurt!

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed,
I am an art student,
I just used sketchup last night todesign an icon for a gnome app. I had to boot back and forth from Ubuntu Gutsy and XP. Fortunately gutsy makes this more painless as it can read and write to my windows partition (yay!). but this is still a little inconvienient to say the least. I would dump windows but this is still one of the software that is holding me back. I use Ubunu primarily, because it is artist friendly especially with UbuntuStudio's Wacom tablet utils.
This is a great resource for google to put put, and I look forward to seeing it on linux.
On a side note, there was an old rumor out there about a google version of ubuntu. It occured to me that google wouldn't have to make so much an ubuntu version, as just put out a desktop environment similar to kde or gnome. That would be great. I appreciete google desktop for linux as well, and look forward to the sidebar with gadgets appearing soon.
Thanks so much Google!

Anonymous said...

Another vote for a linux version ASAP

Unknown said...

Sketchup "runs" under wine, but the UI has big issues, and it gets very crashy very fast.

Basically, it's just enough to get you excited, and just bad enough to make it unusable.

Count me in for a Linux version - I'd use it nightly!

Anonymous said...

For a company who's motto is "Don't be evil", supporting Micro$oft while leaving Linux users out in the cold makes no sense at all.

There has to be more to this 800-lb gorilla in the room than meets the eye.

Anonymous said...


I got hooked on Sketchup while using a Mac; It's the first Google app that I've really taken to. But Kubuntu is my regular OS and feeling a little withdrawal here...

Please port Sketchup to Linux.


Tyler Brown said...

I am another Linux user who would love a port of this program.

It is awesome, simple to use yet powerful. I cant't find anything with its easy work flow.

Anonymous said...

+1 for linux version tried in wine runs but i not enough to use

Anonymous said...

This is one of the only apps left that might keep me working w/ M$ windows...

Please port sketchup to linux.

Anonymous said...

Another vote for a linux version. I've been unsuccessful using wine and it's the only reason I have to fire up windows any more. :(

Anonymous said...

I'm another person who only uses a Linux desktop and I would jump at the Pro version if it was available.

I'm also awaiting the delivery of an Asus eee pc, which ships with Linux on it as well. Being able to use sketchup on a subnotebook would also be very cool.


Anonymous said...

Have someone seen the "Minimum Hardware Requirements with Microsoft Windows® Vista" ? ( ) .... !!!?!?!? .... "15 GB of AVAILABLE hard-disk space" !!!

Please, "think" seriously to Linux release !

Anonymous said...

Another vote for a Linux version. How hard could it be to port from MacOS?

Anonymous said...

Yes. A linux version, please.

linea said...

I am pretty sure I can get Sketchup running well on Dreamlinux, I'l get back to you on this

darthflatus said...

Another vote for linux here.

Anonymous said...

I think there are enough linux users who would like to use this app, so it wouldn't be a waste of time for you google if you port this app to linux.

Another vote for linux version.

Anonymous said...

Linux LINUx linUx LinUx :)

sachin surendran said...

Sketchup is a Gem and In my opinion it would make a difference if we could have it on Linux...
Google which runs its whole search algos on linux. SHOULD NOT shy away from getting this great tool ported on Linux, Even if it takes a little of their quality time to get it done!!


Anonymous said...

I hope to see a linux version real soon.
I am still tied to Windows due to Sketchup not being natively available under linux.

It "works" under wine, if you have the stomach to consistenly deal with disappearing menu's, a cursor with a white space all around not allowing you to do the finer details, not viewing distances which you are typing in, ...

Linux all the way.

Anonymous said...

im another linux user who needs to use sketchup, i hope we will have a version soon

elandant said...

one more vote for a linux version ... i don't mean to be rude, but how long can it take?

Anonymous said...

And now something completely different:

Would you mind releasing SketchUp for linux?

Anonymous said...

Vista will create a lot of Linux users. Sketchup for Linux is badly needed. C'mon Google, keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a possible answer for the 15GB required hard-drive space for sketchup on Vista? Why is this only required on Vista?

Anonymous said...

Damn, I found this page when I googled 'sketchup for linux'. So disappointing that it does not exist. Sketchup is the only Google ap that I like. Well, whatever, gotta keep drawing with Xara and Inkscape.

PhilippeP said...

Let's hammer down the nail :

Linux version .... is needed !

Amri said...

+1 for linux version here.

tried it on wine result is as described above.

bruno said...

please release an ubuntu linux version as soon as possible

Anonymous said...

I have always appreciated what Google has given to the community however you would think that a company that is trying to take the world away from MS would work very hard to port their projects to alternative operating systems. One more vote for a linux port!!

Anonymous said...

I am moving away from winders and am also requesting a linux version. Running it in wine is too buggy.

Anonymous said...

I'd also really appreciate a linux version.


Matt said...

A linux version would be great!
No one will be using windowz anymore in a couple years becuase the new OS is awful. Everyone will switch to linux (read:Ubuntu) and they need sketchup to work on their desktop.

Espen M A said...

It appears that this blog has turned into a petition for a linux port of SketchUp.

I vote for the same!

Anonymous said...

One more vote for a Linux release of Sketchup. I no longer consider Windows a viable OS thanks to Vista. Linux is the only answer that doesn't require new hardware. Tools like this are needed now to help all of us looking for alternative solutions. jwillar

Anonymous said...

Linux vote.

Anonymous said...

We're a team of two wishing for a Linux version. SKP is a major tool for us, Property Developement, with Google Earth in the mix.

Unknown said...

Here from Sicily, we simply advice you to seriously consider deploying a Linux version as soon as possible... and... sons... you understand... this is an advice you cannot refuse! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think Google team has the experience and resources to do it. Linux is the future. You know it. Sketch Up for Linux NOW!

Anonymous said...

+1 vote for SketchUp for linux!!!!

Anonymous said...

Google is in bed with MS on this one. It's quite clear that they don't want to release a Linux version. If ScetchUp runs on Mac, it should be a breeze to port to Linux.

Inkscape plays a different game. Latest beta has 3D cube support, and they are working on better. It's not the same as ScetchUp, but it's worth the time to look into. Super powerful.... just hidden in a simple GUI.

Still SketchUp for Linux would be nice. Google, I thought you're my buddy!

Anonymous said...

Just to go against the flow a little here...

Im gonna add my plea for a linux version some time soon :p

Yet another person who's found vista to be a mess. I mostly use XP at home but would love to be able to run sketchup on my linux-running eeepc on the go.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Another desperate cry for SketchUp in Linux!!

Pete Dixon said...

Linux, Linux, Linux! Windows/MS is so the past. Please release Sketchup for a real operating system for the masses.

Anonymous said...

Necesitamos Trabajar con Sketchup en Linux, POR FAVOR...

We need Sketchup for Linux, PLEASE...

baxylian said...

linux version please!!!

Unknown said...

Another vote for linux... under wine crashes too soon and too often. And the sw is too good to be dropped...

mchiareli said...


Anonymous said...

Linux version yess

Anonymous said...

do you need more verification that the Linux community would get use out of your app as much as the ms equivalent?

Anonymous said...

I too would like to see a Linux port for
this software. Or at least a Java version... or something! Most of the world
uses Linux these days, not that MS junk.

Anonymous said...

A linux version would be great... +1


Anonymous said...

Google in bed with MS? I don't think so. The development team of the product unfamiliar with Wine/Linux, and unwilling to relinquish control of part of the project to another department? Much more likely.

FWIW: Linux version +1

Anonymous said...

Another vote for a Linux version!
I tried SketchUp with wine but...

:P SketchUp4Linux.deb :)

Anonymous said...

I think Sketchup for Linux would be a good idea :)

Anonymous said...

You know what I think would be an even better idea?

Sketchup for Linux.

Anonymous said...


(just my 2cents worth)

Anonymous said...

I've just discovered Sketchup. It's amazing ... so good in fact that I have had to borrow a non-Linux laptop to use it. That really hurts (in more ways than one).

So +1 for a Linux port.

BTW if you havn't seen it yet look at the SpaceNavigator - its a cheap 3D (£40) controller that works with Sketchup, Earth and various other programs.

The SpaceNavigator makes using Sketchup even faster and easier - an almost sensual experience.


Unknown said...

I use Linux exclusively, so unless Google makes Sketchup run under Linux or robustly under wine, I wont be able or interested to use it.

Anonymous said...

Linux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux LinuxLinux Linuxv

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

+1 for SketchUp on Linux

SketchUp, the only thing that keeps windows on my computer...

So, please release me from pain :)

Anonymous said...

Please, please make a Linux version. I doubleboot with a pirated Win XP only for Sketchup. Please don't make me be a pirate.

Anonymous said...

I'd like a Linux version too. I wonder if we make a petition Google will make a Linux version.

Pete Dixon said...

I think we are petitioning :)

Google has a fairly good motivation to move Sketch-Up to Linux. They were able to get Google Earth working nicely in Linux. I assume the people who originally wrote the app built in a fair number of Windows dependencies that the code needs to be weened from. If they can do it I'm sure they will.

Unknown said...

I'm not saying this to be annoying, but yeah, I buy a Linux version. and don't bother with "Layout"

You could even do the whole wine thing a la Picasa and I would live with it...

Anonymous said...

LondON Linux
I also don't use Win or Mac. Debian and Ubuntu for the past 5 years. GE and Picasa work fine for me. I would love to contribute to GE for all Google has given me, but I can't use SU.
Since this was a high search result, I thought I'd add my 2 cents.

Tim K. said...

I'll add my plea to the long list: I'd love a linux version.

Paul said...

Linux port please

Anonymous said...

Google, thank you for helping to keep Linux viable by porting your killer app, GEarth. Also, nice work with custom wine install for Picasa. Anxiously awaiting a version of SketchUp Pro that runs flawlessly on Linux, either natively or via wine.


gforcing said...

I don't mean to sound like an echo, but I also want to add my two cents to the long list of users above. Sketchup is the only reason I still use Windows, and I would absolutely LOVE a Linux port.

So, Google: what do you say?

Martl said...

Another vote for a Sketchup-Linux version!

Anonymous said...

Another vote for a Linux Port.
Please let me get rid of Windows.


Unknown said...

The first comment was September 20, 2007, still today I love to vote for GNU/Linux (ubuntu) version of this superb app. Another killer app like this will boost the community to penetrate more desktops. GNU/Linux ver please.

Anonymous said...

Another vote for a linux version of Sketchup... please =)

Crayzee Wulf said...

Another vote for Linux version of Sketchup. Please.

Anonymous said...

Linux please!

Evan Jennings said...


Anonymous said...

I think you could figure one thing: who uses Google-Sketchup? People who like FREE programs. Which operating system might someone use, who likes FREE programs? Yes, you´re right!
For me too:


Anonymous said...

I've converted to Linux, and I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE a Linux version of Sketch Up. I mean, you have great programs that are for free & I can't even download it, and it makes me feel SAD!

So, take your time, develop one for Linux!
Cheers, and I love Google

Anonymous said...

Please, be so kind to port it to Linux... We DO Need it in Linux



Anonymous said...

er, how about a version of Sketchup for Linux? Gets my vote.

display said...

A Linux port would put Windows out of business in my (high school tech)lab.
In about 10 minutes.
It runs in wine like I run in the Olympics.

Anonymous said...


It would be great to have a linux version of Google Sketch Up.


Anonymous said...

linux version +1

pat said...

I am also in the for the linux version

Screem said...

Me too... want Linux version please

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Google really care about Linux that much. If they do they probably could have had a Sketchup Linux version years ago.

Maybe the reason they use Linux internally is just because its good and cheap. They can't really use Microsoft's OS, and probably too difficult and expensive even for Google to make their own.

Anonymous said...

The headline on the Sketchup site: "Google SketchUp is 3D for everyone"

'for everyone' oh please. I guess they meant ' for every Windows user'

Julian said...

Just another vote for a Linux version. Running SUSE 10.3 here & ditching Windows as much as possible - largely due to concerns over licensing.

Regards, Jules.

nineowls said...

I hope Google supports Wine since it looks like a few of us depend on it for a variety of Google products...
My dream is
sudo aptitude install sketchup
Thanks God for Wine and the people who build and support it...
For that matter, Thanks God the sun is always shining in Sketchup :)

Anonymous said...

To think even adobe is making linux binaries of their flex SDK, they seem to be actively developing software for linux (only just started though). When will Google, who have such credibility with the open source community so far, and with so much of their software being free (as in beer), announce that a linux version is available. After all sketch uses openGL, so that's a major help for a port.

I too want to add my name to this ad-hoc petition for google sketchup for linux (ps don't forget those 64bit versions if you do binary packages)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just saw sketchy today, what an awesome program. I am also eagerly awaiting a port to Linux, or at least something that works will with wine.

Unknown said...

I have been using Sketchup for a long time (since well before Google bought @Last software) for timber frame and post and beam frame design. I now use Ubuntu Linux for most of my other computer use but still use windoze for Sketchup and ChiefArchitect. If Sketchup was ported for Linux I would seriously consider dropping ChiefArchitect and doing all my work in Sketchup. Is this an issue with GPL?
-Nathan Foote

Anonymous said...

Linux + Sketchup, please

Anonymous said...

i've used google sketchup for personal projects and for 3D layouts of proposed office refurbs for work. im now a linux user and think if you ported to linux it would be fantastic. currently i have to run a virtual machine under linux to use it. go on guys you know it makes sense. sketchup is a rare gem of a program kudos to you and even more when you support us linuxophiles.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Please Make a linux version of Sketchup. You already did so much to make computing more pleasant. Microsoft makes horrible products, especially vista is terrible. I love Ubuntu!

Unknown said...

Please Make a linux version of Sketchup.

Albertvs said...

Sketchup is so nice! There's only one milestone to get to, a LINUX VERSION OF SKETCHUP!!!

As many of the people that have written here, we are trying to get into alternative OSs, so, please, give the people what they want!!!

Anonymous said...

// please don't let this be an infinite loop
while(noLinuxVersionOfSketchup) {

vladimir prieto said...

another vote for linux over here!

Anonymous said...

Just to be really unique and individual, and to suggest something that maybe hasn't been voiced before, perhaps a Linux port would serve a large part of the community?

Filpuksen Ville said...

i need linux version!!!!

Gustavsen said...

Another vote for linux version.
I don't want pay for a MS Win licence...

Anonymous said...

PLease, LINUX version of Sketchup... :(

Anonymous said...

Linux please )

Anonymous said...

LINUX please!

I can do all my computer/online things I need to do to run my woodworking business in Linux, EXCEPT use SketchUp! I'm sick of WindowsXP.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys
Another 'sketchup linux PLEASE' from france too.
earn 4 pro sketchup licences, and would re-buy them on linux if I had to..
What are they waiting for?

Anonymous said...

another vote for linux

Matthew Petty said...

How many for linux now?


Anonymous said...

Hey, I want to plan my new bathroom with sketchup.. too bad my only OS is Ubuntu. So, Linux version please :)

Unknown said...

I was able to use the latest sketchup on debian running under wine. Haven't been able to run older versions. Not sure why. But to reiterate an official linux release would be nice.

Unknown said...

Come on google, we have been waiting for Sketchup for Linux for so long now :(

Anonymous said...

8 months, hundreds of comments, yet still no Sketchup for Linux. Wow, maybe Google isn't as good as I had hoped...

That sucks.

Anonymous said...

using wine 0.95x on Ubuntu HH8.04, GoogleSU works. winecfg ... set resolution 800x600, wine regedit ... HKEY_xx OpenGL. all function's work except some minor diff like slow processing when display shadow. BTW it's not better than KT teams supported on Linux.

Anonymous said...

the windows version doesn't work with wine,so i need a linux version!!
linux rock and if google create a sketch up's linux version he rocks too!

bwildasi said...

>Linux port

That is easy. If there is no version sketch your own itch: 1. Mock up a user interface. 2. Design it for plugin modules by community committers, 3. Run your unit tests of wishlist modules, 4. Upload it to your favorite CVS/SVN repository, 5. Make a 'port-tree' for *BSD package manager, Linux RPMS, Debs, and.tgz for Slackware. 6. And most of all don't ask for permission--that is not how thing git done, just do it and watch the World energize the Base! Giving your package a nifty name would be nice too: Gnusketcher, SkitchUp, Puhcgteks, Nottaskechup, Archisketch, etc.

meatpossum said...

I know I am probably the only person thinking this, but you guys should make a Linux version of Sketchup. There's bound to be a few people who would use it. Dont be evil.

Tom said...

Look, it works fine under wine if you set it up right. Under Ubuntu, setting it up right is easy. Those of you still insisting on running one of the less supported and less easy to use version of linux are on your own. Ubuntu however runs Sketchup fine under wine. You have the occasional crash while closing but it works fine. The only thing you NEED to do to get it working is to change the registry key:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\SketchUp6\GLConfig\Display] "HW_OK" = 1

Once you do that, no problems. If you are wondering how that works in the windows directory there is a program called regedit.exe. Run that and figure out the reg key alteration. Also, I find it works better when you tell wine to run it as if it is under XP instead of Vista. Good luck!

Lane DeNicola said...

Bump. Linux port please (and a Fedora RPM to boot).

Anonymous said...

Sketchup is a really nice software, easy to use and speeds up the design process...please port to ubuntu to make it GREAT! Thanks and more power to Google!

Anonymous said...

The registry key that Tom posted is not available with the latest version of Wine and SketchUp.
Where can this be set now?

Wine: 1.0.0-1ubuntu4~hardy1
SketchUp: 6 (can't get exact version as app will not open)

Anonymous said...

$ sudo apt-get install sketchup
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package sketchup

Anonymous said...

This is why open source software is so popular. Companies like google simply ignore requests for sketchup (like it could be that hard to make enough changes to allow it to run under wine!) so we are going to have to come up with our own. It will suck for a long time and will be hard to do, but at this point it looks like there is no other option.

Anonymous said...

Linnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnux verssssssssssssssssssssion

Anonymous said...

We need Sketchup in Brazil! A Linuxland!

Anonymous said...

+1 for Linux!

"Don't be evil" company and MS's competitor, favouring MS...

Anonymous said...

Wow, doesn't really look like anyone is listening (or if they are then they don't really care) but I'll add one more drop to the ocean;

Sketchup on Linux would be awesome. Better than awesome - necessary!

Lord Maxwell said...


Calorie_Mcqueen said...


Anonymous said...


I use windows at work and discovered Sketchup, but I really should be playing with it at home... the only problem is I have converted to Linux.

It would really be nice if some people worked on a Linux version. You support us linux users, and I will do my part and promise to continue to do ALL my searches using google! (and even use google checkout once in a while)

Anonymous said...

Found this old thread looking for "SketchUp for Linux"...I see there isn't. Ah well, Sometimes Google is FAIL. They don't want our money? Back to Blender for me.

Indra Gunawan said...

We need for Linux! We need for Linux! We need for Linux! :D

Rodolpho said...

Linux please!

Anonymous said...

A linux version would great

Matt said...

Another vote for Linux here. And yes, I would pay for this software.

Anonymous said...

Yeap, and another vote for linux here too! Think well guys, how many linux users you're loosing by not porting it? Pity, i've to switch to blender, another lost customer, see? Come ooon....

sammyBoy said...

Just add my vote to a linux version.

Could we at least have a weak excuse or even tease of a possible time frame?

Love everything Google has done for us keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I too have switched to Linux and would desperately love to see SketchUp on Linux, THIS YEAR PLEASE! How many more comments do you need?

Anonymous said...

I ask Is the SketchUp too ...
weak, feeble, infirm, languishing, languorous, bad, dull, easy, enervate, faint, flimsy, frail, ineffective, inferior, irretentive, lame, lax, limp, low, nerveless, poor, powerless, remote, slender, unsound, unwell, wan, wonky ...
to port for linux?
No, ok, so when YOU port IT ?

Anonymous said...

Au nom des utilisateurs français d'ubuntu, s'il vous plait, une version linux...


Anonymous said...

Les estaríamos muy agradecidos si realizasen una versión para Linux: Ubuntu, Fedora...
Continuamos esperando su respuesta!!!

Ethan Anderson said...

I haven't been able to use sketchup since I ditched windows for linux and I'm dying to have it again! Put a donation thing on it if you have to, I'll bet the community could easily round up enough dough to make it worth your time. Heck, I'd donate $100.

Linux version, please!

Anonymous said...

Well, the same for me, dyin' waiting too... donation, or what, tell us what u need, but plzzz, sketchup on linux... many people are hoping, waiting... plzz plzzz!

udan said...

What can I say?
one more vote to LINUX!


elliot said...

Linux +1
hoh gosh where is SketchUp for Linux?
I`m dying waiting.

Google got to announce SketchUp for Linux

Anonymous said...

A Linux version PLEEEEASE!!!

I check the SketchUp page almost daily hoping to see a Linux version. Please my google friends... port the MacOS version! Or even better, release the source code so we can compile it in aour own machines!! Now that would be great :)

Anonymous said...

can you tell us furter planing about sketch up for linux?
please "3D for everyone" not only windows users

Anonymous said...

Hallo, 1 year ago I leave Windows for... Ubuntu. I was Super Mega Ultra Happy when I could have G.Maps on Linux...PLEASE!! Do the same work for G.SketchUp. With WINE dosent work!! Thanks from Switzerland.

OddChild said...

Ubuntu it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Linux version FOR PRESIDENT!

Anonymous said...

I don't know about Linux for president, but please, please, please, please can we have a version of Sketchup for Linux? Or even an update or even a way that we can contribute or help for it to occur.

I think you would find many willing hands who would like to help.

Anonymous said...

great little program

a linux version would be great,
anonymous linux user

Anonymous said...

Mega dittos.

Anonymous said...

I doubt Google is interested to port Sketchup to linux, they probably
never ported googleearth if in 2004 earth3d for linux came out, what
brought them in shock afraid for loosing their monopoly ideas, so from then it didn't take long before googleearth came out for linux, and now who still knows earth3d?
For years ago Google was so proud they used linux for their servers and
many off their developers where linux specialists, this arguments are hidden these days, linux for everyone? I wouldn't be surprised if they
come with their own linux version sooner or later, probably the only
one where sketchup will run on, to kill the rest.
And now I even see that google can remove this comment, well show some body, and leave this comment how it is.

Anonymous said...

hey people begging for a linux version,
please see the diference between a propriety and and open source software. i agree with you, sketchup is a very cool software. but what matters for google here is wheter it will make profit or not of releasing a linux version. i see ubuntu guys here. look at what has ubuntu brought to you. its really awesome and even linux users wouldnt believe such an accomplished os could be open source and available for everyone. so if you want to get more and better software, i am making a call for you to go directly to (or any other open source software code repos.) and contribute. you can just launch your new 3d sketcher and believe me you will get help and contribution for it.
i dont think we have to beg anyone since we already know how to do it. lets just get organized and do it.

Unknown said...

darth-coder has a good point.

Let us stop whining and begging the Google Empire, and just CREATE a reversed-engineered version of SketchUp (named DrawDown?).

When Google bought Sketchup from @last, I assume that they also purchased the patent rights (the push/pull techniques). But it is very difficult to enforce patent rights if there are no sales revenues (and if there was a COMMUNITY that develops the clone, who would they sue?)

So, the community would just have to use a special license that said, NO COMMERCIAL USE OF THE SOFTWARE WHATSOEVER - a bit different that most OpenSource software - but this would still allow us ALL to benefit.

The OpenSketchup Project

Anonymous said...

I want to see a linux version of sketchup!

Count another vote for linux. Damn i'd even pay for it!

Down with Micro$oft! Long live Goggle!

Anonymous said...

+ another vote for linux..

I have been using linux for about 5 years and since about 1 year back i have totally left M$ Wirows..

Really, really, really hoping to get a linux version of Sketchup soon..

Anonymous said...

I would like google sketch up fpr linux too!
I would also suggest to open source it, let a new community form.
if this happens, the sw will grow exponentially!

Dario Caruso said...


maybe we can see sketcup before in android??????????

please google, let's develope google linux distro and change our world!

Anonymous said...


Yes, google can do it. I hope they want to


Anonymous said...

linux vote here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Make SketchUp for Linux!!!! I am from Argentina, and I am able to run SketchUp in Ubuntu with Wine, however it is not fully functional. I do not use MS Windows.

Unknown said...

Linux, Ubuntu specifically please.

And if Sketchup isn't fully using graphics cards, well yeah, that'd be swell.



Anonymous said...

I also would love to see a version for linux. However, I would like to point out that the existence of an application for OSX does not guarantee that porting to linux will be quick or easy. Generally, you can port a linux application to work on OSX without too much difficulty due to the unix core in OSX.

If you search around for info on running OSX applications in linux you will find that many programs written to run natively in OSX rely on a couple of libraries -- Carbon and Cocoa. Apparently, there is an open specification of (and also implementation for) Cocoa, but not so for Carbon. You would need to basically develop an equivalent to wine in order to handle the calls to Carbon functions that OSX programs make.

I don't know anything about how the OSX version of SketchUp was written, but I'm willing to give Google the benefit of the doubt that there are legitimate reasons (such as the one I mentioned above) that you can't just take the OSX version and compile it for linux.

I would love to see a build for linux, but until then I have found that I can run it pretty reliably from XP installed in VirtualBox. At least I don't have to reboot my machine and can share the clipboard between XP and Kubuntu.

nitrofurano said...

Where from can i download the Linux version?

Dan Kegel said...

If you would like the Wine team to fix the problems running Sketchup, please file bugs at It's hard for them to fix bugs they don't know about.

See for more info.

Unknown said...

I'll try this for wine+sketchup in ubuntu:

Anonymous said...

Yeah Add my vote to that, Sketchup for UBUNTU.

I have this laptop that I bought more than year ago and it comes with the "pain in the ass" VISTA. I kept using VISTA hoping it will get better with the updates. After a year of keeping it despite the slow start up and shutdown time and a thousand and one incompatibility issues. And the sick security pop-ups asking for your approval even for the installed software to launch and the very sluggish performance. But I got fed up and switched to UBUNTU and I am now happy with its performance.

I am just hoping that more softwares become compatible with UBUNTU. or at least an emulator that will truly do the trick of porting our windows applications into a Linux OS.

Anonymous said...

sudo apt-get install sketchup
[sudo] password for jan-erik:
Pakketlijsten worden ingelezen... Klaar
Boom van vereisten wordt opgebouwd
De status informatie wordt gelezen... Klaar
E: Kon pakket sketchup niet vinden


Fudge said...

+1 for Linux. I am so glad there are so many Linux Google users. C'mon Google.

giormatsis said...

one more vote to go !!!

Anonymous said...

+1 for linux port.

Unknown said...

PLEASE please please release this for linux soon! Even if it's a quick port, or an automated script that sets it up with wine or something, the OSS world needs this program, Blender is too crazy for newbies, and you guys make the best stuff, it's userbase would double i'm sure, i think linux users would be more apt to use this than windows/mac users because of how much we like you guys <3

Please? =(

Anonymous said...

noname@noname-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install sketchup
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package sketchup


David R-G said...

Add my voice to the requests for a native Linux version, please. Wine is not an acceptable compromise...

Anonymous said...

I too would love to have a Linux version of Sketchup.

rycherr said...

Add my vote for a Linux version of Sketchup. Windows SUCKS and Wine is a cheap immitation that doesn't even work properly.

Anonymous said...

minchia fate sta versione de sketchup! please.
debian free!

Tryfon said...

Sketchup for Linux +1

Anonymous said...

Seems there are ONLY linux users out there using sketchup on crappy windows...
+1 for linux-release