Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How do you make ideas real with SketchUp?

Every week, two million people use SketchUp to breathe life into their ideas. The resulting 3D models get made into houses and schools, movie sets and aquariums, bridges, robots, and furniture. The sum total of all this work represents a larger, yet untold story of how the SketchUp community is profoundly shaping the world around us.

Well, it’s time for all you unsung SketchUp heroes to stand up and take a bow, so today, we’re kicking off the Make Ideas Real project. The result of this initiative will be an innovative, online showcase that does justice to the impact SketchUp users are having on the physical world.

But we need your help to pull this off.

Make Ideas Real with SketchUp

Here’s how you can pitch in: Use this form to tell us your SketchUp story. Send us an image of a SketchUp model with an accompanying photograph that shows your completed project. Anything goes for subject matter; architecture, archeology, industrial design, construction, woodworking, personal fabrication, model railroading, mousetrap design — as long as SketchUp helped you make it, we want to see it. Professionals, semi-professionals and proud amateurs are all welcome.

Here are three examples of what we mean:

City Lights Residence, Steve Oles

SKPR Bot, John Bacus

Stand Up Desk, Dave Richards and George LaRue Downing

Over the next few months, we’ll curate the submissions we receive, and in 2012, we’ll launch a special showcase of SketchUp users who are reimagining the spaces we inhabit. Please share your story with us, so we can share it with the world.

Posted by Gopal Shah, SketchUp team


  1. SketchUp is amazing, but what about the Linux version?

  2. Sketchup is all about presentation, the short movie that comes along with this post is amazing. How can I make the same with my presentation?

  3. i cant believe the youtube comments!! most of them are saying that sketchup is hard to learn...whats with them? its like saying a movie sucks without having to actually see the whole thing. too bad for them.

  4. Oh WOW!

    Could you please...
    - show how you put that video together?

    - Tell us what programs/ applications you used for the animations.

    - And provide a link to the models if possible?

    It looks awesome!

    Best regards


  5. Excellent Video.... I am just loving it!!!

  6. A great tool that extends the human imagination to the limit and creates of it a tangible product.

    Thank you, Google!

  7. I love SketchUp! Will submit my story :)

  8. I too Love Sketchup and although I will have the opportunity to use it in the near future, I have been using it for ideas I had for vacant land around my city. I don't the end result, but I do have the 'idea' do i qualify?

  9. Hi LMB,

    Yes, please enter! That sounds like a neat project.

  10. Blogger Alejandro Mery said...

    SketchUp is amazing, but what about the Linux version?

    Try it in WINE in Linux. I used GSU once in Ubuntu 11.04.

  11. SketchUp works fine in Linux under Wine.

  12. Excellent Idea!
    I'm a robotics enthusiast and a Gogle SketcUp user! I have already submit the form for the project"Make ideas real with SketcUp". You can see some of my robots (real and SketchUp models in my blog

  13. ¡¡¡¡Saludos!!!!

    Esta genial este blog: Quedó muy bien la araña robot y el video de la parte superior, el de el boceto de "vino", ha quedado impresionante.

  14. Nice idea, but that link goes to a google docs page that says "You can't access this spreadsheet because it is in violation of our Terms of service."

  15. @Peter -- sorry about that. We have fixed the form. Please feel free to enter if you like.

  16. I need SketchUp for Linux, so I can work with it

  17. hi guys
    Im looking for product design - industrial design tutorials.

    Also visit my blog about sustainable design.



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