Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

Jennifer rearranges her living room

Posted by Aidan Chopra, Product Evangelist

Not long ago, Bryce was hard at work surfing the net when he came across a cool little blog called Jennyology. It's written by a woman named Jennifer who is a pianist and a graphic designer. And a fan of SketchUp, apparently.

Bryce and I think Jennifer's post of February 27th, entitled Arranging the living room, is neat because of its simplicity. What we love is that the post isn't about the software at all -- it's about where the heck she's going to put her enormous piano. She's just going about her business, solving a 3D problem with SketchUp.

Incidentally, an excellent way to spend a couple of hours would be to peruse Jennifer's formidable "Blogs I Read" list (on the left side of her site). I have a feeling that's what Bryce is doing right now.

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Ben said...

This is EXACTLY what I've wanted to use SketchUp for!

Could you guys provide videos/instructions/whatever to aid in creating layouts like these?

Anonymous said...

Hey Aidan - if you want to see another user who uses SketchUp in a slightly different way - check out